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Thursday, August 05, 2010
"Breaking Dawn" has two date releases
Kristen Stewart in Twilight saga "Eclipse" (2010)
Summit Entertainment has just announced that while The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part One will arrive as planned on November 18 next year, Part Two won’t hit screens until November 16, 2012, a full year later.
Kristen Stewart at Twilight: Eclipse press conference in Berlin Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart at "Eclipse" premiere in Los Angeles
Yes, that sound you hear is Twi-Hards scrambling to stock up on camping supplies so that they can spend the months between movies queuing for the next one. And the big question of course, is… at what point will the story be broken up? Will fans be left on tenterhooks wondering what happens next? Er… Doubtful, since the book has long since been on shelves. Chances are that the break will come somewhere around the [SPOILER] birth of Bella's baby, and that the extra time on Part Two is to allow for the CG-assisted creation of a half-vampire infant who grows almost visibly. [END SPOILER]
And if you care not a jot for anything to do with Stephenie Meyer’s vampire world? Then at the very least, this means you now have a solid date to scribble in your calendar for when the whole thing might actually calm down. Followed, of course, by the end of the world, sponsored by Roland Emmerich". -James White Source: www.emmpireonline.com
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