Jake Gyllenhaal visiting a friend's cabin near Los Angeles on 28th August 2010. Pictures by
Jake Gyllenhaal plays Jamie Randall in "Love and other drugs" (2010)"A loyal Film Experience reader who wishes to remain anonymous also saw a recent screening of LaOD and sent a few thoughts: The movie is well above average in the world of romantic comedy, and rest assured, that's what it is. As you could clearly note from the trailer, it has all of the usual romcom trappings and succeeds primarily due to the strength of Jake & Anne's chemistry - which is ENORMOUS and immensely satisfying.
Anne Hathaway as Kym in "Rachel Getting Married" (2008)Kym is released from rehab for a few days so she can go home to attend her sister Rachel's wedding. The home environment is always challenging for a recovering addict, no less so when the visit if only for a few days."I must admit, and then dodge anything you might throw my way, that I'm not a big fan of Rachel Getting Married, or Anne's performance in it. So, given that, I'd have to say that this is her best performance. It's really a perfect role for her, as it's mostly comedic (which is where she excels) with tinges of drama.

Jake pulls off the smarmy-but-charming almost George Clooney-esque character incredibly well, and his character's transformation as he becomes more involved with Anne is not necessarily written as well as it could have been, but he's great. And he ultimately sells one of the rather cliché romcom moments far better than anyone had any right to. It's really all about the two of them, so the supporting cast's screen time is quite limited, although Oliver Platt steals every scene he's in.
P.S. Jake & Anne spend like half the movie completely naked".
Source: filmexperience.blogspot.com
In any other American home, an answering machine would have limited my suffering. Not in the Reidy house. Maintaining their perfect record of ignoring technological advances -we had been the last family on the block to get cable, a VCR, or a video-game system -my parents owned no such newfangled gadgetry. On one of those mornings, my career in pharmaceutical sales got started." -extracted from "Hard sell: The Evolution of a Viagra Salesman" Copyright 2005 © Jamie Reidy
Movies are as addictive as dope, but they are far less injurious to health and they ought not to be as expensive", "
America is more like the movies than you ever dreamed" -quotes by English writer Quentin Crisp
Ben Stiller as Jerry Stahl in "Permanent Midnight" (1998)"Why shoot heroin?" our Jerry asks. "So I can get up in the morning and shave." Neither the overrated patron saint of junk, William Burroughs, nor the smacked-out Scottish punks of Trainspotting could say it with more magnetic ambiguity. And the character of Jerry Stahl is nothing if not ambiguous. His self-loathing is matched only by his self-aggrandizement, and both are coated in a glaze of black humor. So whenever this cautionary tale threatens to make a stumbling, shameful fool of its principal, the moviemakers quickly turn him into the witty, vaguely self-righteous anti-hero who's got the balls to snort and tell, smoke and tell, shoot and tell.
Ben Stiller as Mel Coplin in "Flirting with Disaster" (1996)For Stiller, late of Flirting with Disaster and The Zero Effect, Permanent Midnight provides plenty of room to emote. When you're gobbling Percodans by the fistful in one scene, scrubbing your dead mother's blood off the kitchen floor in the next, and recalling the fateful missteps of your life to a pretty stranger (Maria Bello) in a cheap motel room in yet another, you've got latitude. Stiller takes such good advantage of it that we almost come to like his Jerry".
Source: www.houstonpress.com
Lindsay Lohan arriving at the Santa Monica courthouse on 30th
August 2010 
"Following her 22-day stay at the UCLA Medical Center, TMZ reported that, at a hearing Wednesday morning (August 25), Judge Elden Fox said Lohan must not only continue submitting to random drug and alcohol tests twice a week, but also attend a 12-step program, participate in a minimum of four psychotherapy sessions a week, reside in her current home until November 1 and attend behavior therapy sessions twice a week.

"If Lohan flunks a drug and alcohol test, she will go back to jail for 30 days".
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