There is an awkward pause while we digest this touching moment of A-list pity. “I can't imagine what it must be like sitting in a room full of critics,” shudders the 26-year-old star. “I'm not into that kind of negative energy whatsoever.”
The sensible question to ask Miss Dunst at this painful juncture is “So what on earth are you doing here?” We are in a caravan on the film set of How to Lose Friends & Alienate People - a romantic comedy about an aspiring British critic who falls hopelessly in love with Dunst in New York. But there's a thundering knock on the door and Simon Pegg noisily enters and plonks himself on the banquette next to her.
Pegg is the blundering star, and geeky alter ego of Toby Young, the maverick journalist who wrote the bestselling true story on which the film is based. Young's brilliant account of his short and inglorious career working for the world's most glamorous fashion bible, Vanity Fair, is a sublime exercise in public humiliation.

Young's set visits have apparently been legendary. “In true Toby fashion he did not enamour himself to us all,” says Woolley with wonderful tact. “I love Toby. He's a good guy. He's a genuine larger-than-life character, and he's got honesty and balls. But he's also got some form of Tourette's syndrome where he says the wrong thing at the wrong time. If the phrase, ‘He is his own worst enemy' was coined for anyone, it is Toby.”
How to Lose Friends and Alienate People is released on Oct 3.
Source: entertainment.timesonline.co.uk
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