Over on Movie Chronicles, found via Coming Soon, they have a great example of this showing the Moroccan set and it looks pretty Arabian alright, or at least the version shown in storybooks and Disney movies. It’s definitely a good location for a blockbuster, but that doesn’t make the photo more interesting than the sweaty Jake Gyllenhaal one! That image is said to have single handedly shaken the belief of the nay sayers who believed that Naveen Andrews (who plays Sayid in “Lost” and both looks and sounds the part) should have gotten the role.
Of course, all this pales in comparison to the fact that they are in fact making a movie about a Prince of Persia game. Sadly they chose not to adapt the original pixelated Prince game from the 80s, with the large guillotine blades, the spikes emerging from the floor and the bloody carnage whenever the hero died. Especially emblazoned in my mind is when the hero falls to his death and a sickening crunch is heard. Talk about healthy for kids!
Rather than adapting this classic, they have chosen a more recent 2003 reincarnation of the series. Gyllenhaal plays Prince Dastan, a prince in 6th century Persia who must joins forces with the beautiful princess Tamina (Gemma Arterton - she of recent St. Trinian’s and the forthcoming Quantum of Solace fame) to stop the wicked wizard/nobleman from ending the world as they know it through the use of the Sands of Time. Due out on May 28th 2010, it’s perhaps not such a surprise that we’re not seeing many photos quite yet".
Source: www.filmschoolrejects.com

Source: persia.moviechronicles.com
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