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Wednesday, September 17, 2008
A new Lloyd Dobbler
"The first thing you notice about Michael Cera in person is that he seems a lot smaller and skinnier than he does in the movies. Maybe it’s actually true that the camera adds ten pounds. He’s also even nicer and seemingly more vulnerable than the characters he plays, if that were actually possible. His role as Nick in Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist is nothing new for him, but because he’s so honest and innocent, it hasn’t gotten old. He’s like the Lloyd Dobbler for an entirely new generation.-I’m curious, because you guys are kind of in the target demo that movies like this and Superbad and Juno are aimed at. What do you think is different about these movies of the last couple of years, as opposed to back in the ’90s when we had a lot of teen movies that were maybe a little more gross-out based, a little more sexist perhaps. Do you like any of the movies that come out now?
-I like anything that feels authentic or comes from a real place. Comes from someone’s heart. I’ve never liked those gross out comedies. I watch a lot of movies and that’s not really what I watch or like. I just try and do things that I think I would like.-So you play guitar?
-Yeah, and a little piano.
-We keep hearing things about the Arrested Development movie, is it actually happening as far as you know?
-We’re not in production and I haven’t read a script. I know Jason (Bateman) wants to, and I don’t know if Mitch (Hurwitz) wants to. But, I would only want to be a part of it if it was going to be good. Because, its good to end on a high note, I think, and go out with a bang and leave the winning war. That’s just my instinct. I don’t think it would be worth doing unless it was going to live up to the expectation that might come with it.-Do you go home a lot?
-Yeah, I’m home right now in Toronto. Yeah, I’m going to be here a little while after the festival". Source: blog.spout.com
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