-"Your character Norah in Nick and Norah is really interesting and cool, but she's also awkward in a really real way, like when Nick and Norah are in the car together and trying to make conversation and Norah's like, "Oh, forget it." Do you relate to her at all?
-Yes, I think I relate to her the most of anyone I've ever played, and I wanted to make sure she was really fleshed out, you know, really a complete person with her weird little tics and her insecurities. She's very insecure and vulnerable, and she tries not to be that way because she knows it's pathetic but she can't really get out of it. So she sometimes puts her foot in her mouth, especially around Nick.
-Everyone wants to know what it was like working with Michael Cera.
-The best. The best. It's so laid back with Michael. We would both just hang out and talk, and we would seamlessly start shooting a scene, or we'd be singing between takes or something. He's just, you know, sweet and smart and funny and nice. He's just a really, really nice person, and it makes a movie where you're in every scene together essentially so fun and easy.

-You know, New York at 4 in the morning is really kind of tempestuous. When we were filming, we were doing all night shoots, which means you get up at like 3 pm and then shoot through the night 'til morning, basically, so New Yorkers on the Lower East Side at 4 in the morning are all, they're all soft or they're in a good mood or, you know, [looking] for some mischief and two teenagers in a Yugo is fun for them to make fun of. I don't blame them [laughs]. Oh wait, I wasn't a teenager when we made that. I still think of myself as a teenager; it's sad... People would throw fruit at us, people would call us names, people would scream at us. Yeah, it was a little scary but kind of amazing.
-I don't want to spoil anything for our readers but at the end there's a really sweet love scene, and it's really not one that I've seen a lot, especially in movies for teenagers. Tell me about that a little bit.

Source: www.premiere.com
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