Cardigan by Topman.
Underwear by VPL.
"Akerman has dabbled in nudity in Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle and left fanboys breathless in Zack Snyder's megabudget Watchmen.
Malin Akerman as Laurie Jupiter / Silk Spectre II in "Watchmen" (2009)
Now she is going small, Sundance, and angsty to the point of serious with her next two films—this month's The Romantics, costarring Katie Holmes and Josh Duhamel,
Malin Akerman and Anna Paquin hang out on the vineyard set of "The Romantics" on 11th November 2009
and early 2011's Happythankyoumoreplease, written and directed by How I Met Your Mother's Josh Radnor. Akerman's indie hot streak has taken her to Shreveport, Louisiana, where she's filming the crime thriller Catch .44 with Bruce Willis and Forest Whitaker.
Malin Akerman and Ben Stiller in "The Heartbreak Kid" (2007)
Malin Akerman in Dirrty Glam Magazine (2010)
Running with the rough-and-tumble crowd seems to have amplified Akerman's swagger. "I carry a Glock—I'm gangster now!" she says, referring to her part in Catch .44 as a drug dealer on the run from a psychotic hit man.

Malin Akerman in 'Hollywood noir' photoshoot for C magazine
When asked what makes a Glock a Glock, however, she stops short. "Why'd you have to call me out on that?" she asks, suddenly sounding every bit the ingenue. "They just told me it was a Glock, all right? I was like, "Cool. I got a Glock." Source: www.details.com
"Sally Jupiter, a former Depression-era burlesque dancer who morphs into the Silk Spectre, a crime fighter with a yen for garters, high-heeled boots, and long black gloves. "Carla has that old-Hollywood quality about her—that indescribable glamour," Snyder says. "I feel like she got ripped out of the forties and put into our time."
Carla Gugino as Sally Jupiter in "Watchmen" (2009)
Sally Jupiter, Snyder says, is supposed to carry around "the faded opulence of a bygone era," which is apt, since even Gugino's memories can sound like images from some Citizen Kane snow globe. She remembers how her father, an orthodontist and inventor in Florida, would fly her to Europe for the holidays.
Her parents were divorced; for a while she and her free-spirited mother lived on the fog-ribboned cliffs of Big Sur in California. Gugino remembers "moon parties" on the beach to celebrate each lunar phase in the astrological calendar". Source: www.details.com
Underwear by VPL.

and early 2011's Happythankyoumoreplease, written and directed by How I Met Your Mother's Josh Radnor. Akerman's indie hot streak has taken her to Shreveport, Louisiana, where she's filming the crime thriller Catch .44 with Bruce Willis and Forest Whitaker.

Running with the rough-and-tumble crowd seems to have amplified Akerman's swagger. "I carry a Glock—I'm gangster now!" she says, referring to her part in Catch .44 as a drug dealer on the run from a psychotic hit man.

When asked what makes a Glock a Glock, however, she stops short. "Why'd you have to call me out on that?" she asks, suddenly sounding every bit the ingenue. "They just told me it was a Glock, all right? I was like, "Cool. I got a Glock." Source: www.details.com

Sally Jupiter, Snyder says, is supposed to carry around "the faded opulence of a bygone era," which is apt, since even Gugino's memories can sound like images from some Citizen Kane snow globe. She remembers how her father, an orthodontist and inventor in Florida, would fly her to Europe for the holidays.

And as noir relies on the stark contrast between lightness (home, hearth, family) and the underbelly, Gugino’s career is a study in contrasts—gleeful, kid-friendly movies (Spy Kids, Night at the Museum) in which she enjoys “just dancing on the surface of something” and stories that go to the darkest of dark places. “What I love about noir,” she says, “is under all that style and flash, it’s also ultimately bare bones about that fight between and the dark and the light within ourselves.

Watching the noir classic Double Indemnity again recently, Gugino found herself feeling surprisingly sympathetic toward Barbara Stanwyck’s blond spiderwoman, noting that she must rely on her sexuality because she “has no other tools at her disposal.”

I like Carla, but I have such a girl crush on Malin!
In "The Heartbreak kid" she's hilarious!
happy weekend :)
Sometimes I think Malin is a one-note actress - I hope she proves me wrong! So happy she was in The Comeback with Lisa Kudrow, a much-underrated HBO comedy from '05.
Erin, I think Malin keeps learning the ropes to expand her range, so she is taking diverse roles (The Romantics, Wanderlust, Catch .44, etc.), I find her very attractive and with a potential we'll be seeing soon.
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