"A bearded Jake Gyllenhaal blended into the hipster-heavy crowd at Le Fooding, a culinary festival at PS1 in Queens, N.Y. The plaid-clad actor sipped some Veuve Clicquot champagne and also chatted with a group of women, who all looked enamored of the actor. Gyllenhaal also sampled dishes from star chefs like David Chang and Robert Newton. Also there: Amber Tamblyn, who hung out by the deejay booth".
Source: www.people.com"From the controversial dramas to the light-hearted stories of love, the Women’s Center continues its tradition of Tuesday movie nights with its fall semester film series “Real Women, Real Men, Reel World.”
The series aims to address and understand gender issues.
Still of Greta Gerwig and Joe Swanberg in "Nights and Weekends" (2008)“Students can pop in between classes,” said events coordinator Jerri Freeman. “It’s a place to relax and catch a movie.” The movie series focuses on a wide range of issues such as human trafficking, sexual abuse, racism and domestic violence. The center has disclaimers to warn viewers of possible graphic and brutal scenes. “We try and hit cultural, historical accomplishments and relationship issues,” Freeman said. “This semester we have very sad and tragic films.”.

Jake Gyllenhaal and Tobey Maguire in "Brothers" (2009) directed by Jim SheridanBrothers, Precious, Invictus and Love Actually are a few of the films scheduled as part of the series. “I would want to watch the films and be involved,” said Kathleen Raymundo, a criminal justice student.

Sin by Silence, the only documentary to be shown this semester, tells the story of battered women who are in prison for killing their batterers. “We try to hit heavy and light topics,” Freeman said.

Jake Gyllenhaal kissing Natalie Portman (Tommy Cahill and Grace Cahill) in "Brothers" (2009)The center tries to tie in films to match a month’s theme if there is a one. Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee a film showing for Native American Awareness Month and Brothers, featuring Natalie Portman and Jake Gyllenhaal, will be shown during Veterans Awareness Month".
Source: www.dailytitan.com
Lauren Bacall and Jake Gyllenhaal attending the Vanity Fair Oscar Party (2006)
Lauren Bacall, Humphrey Bogart and Marilyn Monroe"On the silver screen he was tough, cool and sophisticated; in real-life, one of Hollywood's legendary lovers. Sexually voracious and habitually unfaithful, Humphrey Bogart had three unhappy marriages before he met the love of his life, Lauren Bacall.

Now it has emerged that before marrying her in 1945, Bogie had bedded an estimated 1,000 women including Bette Davis, Jean Harlow, Marlene Dietrich and Ingrid Bergman - but still feared he might be gay.

The extraordinary claim is made in a new biography of the actor, best known for the movie Casablanca. It suggests that during his second marriage to American stage and film actress Mary Philips, Bogart became riddled with uncertainty that made him impotent and question his sexuality - and even drove him to consider suicide.
Humphrey Bogart with his third wife Mayo Methot in 1944
Humphrey Bogart with Lauren Bacall at Club Mocambo in 1947[Mary] Philips insisted on openly maintaining her previous relationships, even spending the night before their marriage in 1928 with a friend of Bogart's 'as a farewell gift'.

According to the unflattering new book, Bogart told another friend: 'If only Mary didn't make it worse. When I can't perform she mocks and ridicules me. I should never have married her.'

He is said to have confessed to another confidante to thoughts of killing himself. 'But I never get beyond the thinking stage. I just can't see myself taking a razor to my throat', he reportedly said.

It suggests his mental turmoil stemmed from his childhood. His father, who was a surgeon, beat him and split his lip, then stitched it up so badly that Bogart was left with a permanent lisp.
Gladys George and Humphrey Bogart in "The Roaring Twenties" (1939)He ran away to Broadway, where during the 1920s he found fame and fortune - and began his incredible catalogue of sexual conquests.

Bogart married his first wife, actress Helen Menken, in 1926. Porter claims she had 'a lot of lesbian affairs' and he was 'keeping score with her' - and even that they were sometimes both chased by the same women.

Joan Blondell, an on-off girlfriend of Bogart's, said: 'The zipper was invented in 1926. Bogie demanded one be sewed into all of his pants - sex was a lot faster that way.'

Some of his seductions were brief affairs.
Bogart's marriage to Menken lasted only a year. His second marriage ended in divorce in 1937.

The next year he wed wife number three, Mayo Methot, who once stabbed him with a butcher's knife.

They were known as the 'Battling Bogarts' during their seven year marriage.

Bogart found what Hollywood magazines called 'true love' with Lauren Bacall on the set of To Have and Have Not in 1944, and made her his fourth and final wife.

It was a happy relationship, although he conducted a long affair with his hairdresser, Verita Peterson. Bogart died of cancer aged 57 in 1957".
Source: www.dailymail.co.uk
Bogart is my favorite classic actor, with Marlon Brando and Paul Newman!
Bogie was wonderful, whether he was playing the tough guy or the sarcastic romantic lead you always sympathized with him in ways few actors can!
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