-James Dean of course, He is just playing in another league. Weirdly I got uncomfortable getting compared to British actors. I don't know why, it's just like that.
-Would you like to play the part of James Dean?

-In my own home in London. A week ago I was there, for about 16 hours. The first time since 11 months. I met all my friends that I haven't seen since a year. My parents my sister. That I had to leave that fast, was the hardest thing I have done since months.

-I boxed a lot. It's awesome because it doesn't only transform your body but also your posture and thinking. Even if you just walk down the street, you suddenly have another radiation because you just don't feel that fragile anymore. That's why I chose boxing.

-Even if I look cool on the outside, I tell you what: It's just a facade.

-Walking carefree down the street. I love it to travel and get to know the cities and their people. Since I can think I lived in London it's full of live there 24/7. Now I can't go anywhere without this feeling that I got watched all the time. And I just can say: I don't like that feeling.

-And it is, but on the other hand it increases the press. Producers expect to get the theater full with my name. Furthermore everyone expects you to act like a true celebrity even if it's not on screen. It's crazy when you have to turn down a job because the costs for the bodyguards that secure that you can work and stay undisturbed would blow the budget". Source: www.robsessedpattinson.com

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