JB: That I can’t predict. I have no idea. I just know we have a really good story and we have a great cast and a brilliant director. I’ve got one of the best cinematographers in the world doing it, so it’s going to look great. I know the acting’s going to be really good. Whether people go see it—your guess is as good as mine.
I spoke with Mike Newell last year when he first signed on. That’s an interesting choice.
JB: Yeah. He’s very talented.
Yes, he is, but it’s an unusual choice for a—
JB: Big adventure. Well, it’s about character, and he understands character, story. That’s the main thing for me. The rest you can figure out.
Character and story is what matters and the rest is icing?
JB: Yes.
Are you contemplating going the route of Dark Knight and Transformers and using IMAX for any of your upcoming movies? I know you’ve mentioned possibly using it for Pirates IV.
JB: We haven’t talked about it, but I’d love the ability to be able to do it.
It seems like it would lend itself well to them. But you haven’t decided.
JB: We’re too far away. Persia doesn’t come out until summer of 2010". Source: www.collider.com
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