PRESS: What was your reaction to hearing that Dakota Fanning was going to be cast to play you in the film?
CURRIE: I almost hit the ground. My knees literally buckled. I screamed, I screamed and danced around like a crazy person, and broke into tears. I couldn’t believe it because she is really my favorite actress of all time. It was the happiest day of my life, besides the birth of my son.
PRESS: So are you pleased with how the film [turned out]?
CURRIE: Dakota, Kristen, Michael … I mean, the acting is phenomenal. It’s beautifully shot. Of course, you know, I lived it. It was two years of hell and triumph and all that, and how do you possibly put that into an hour and a half? You can’t. It really could have been an epic. It could’ve been like the Twilight series, you know, The Runaways series. (Laughs.) It could have.

CURRIE: Well, I think the only way that you could do that is to be true to yourself. If that’s what you reflect naturally, if that’s who you are naturally, the truth cannot be denied. The people that go out there and pretend - it’s a joke. You can tell someone who isn’t true to themselves right off the bat". Source: www.movieretriever.com

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