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Friday, January 29, 2010
Wall Street 2 : Money Never Sleeps Trailer
"Michael Douglas won an Oscar for his portrayal of Gordon Gekko in Oliver Stone's Wall Street 23 years ago, and the reptilian trader returns to cinemas this April, in Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps. The first trailer for the movie has just been released via IMDb and it focuses on Gekko's rather Blues Brothers-ey release from the pen, and his subsequent hook-up with fresh-faced city slicker Jake Moore, played by Shia LaBeouf. Despite the clip's overwhelming focus on Douglas and LaBeouf, there are also glimpses of supporting players Josh Brolin, Carey Mulligan, and Frank Langella too. The plot of Wall Street: Silly Title apparently revolves around Gekko getting in touch with estranged daughter Winnie (Mulligan), who is shacked up with Jake (as indeed Mulligan is with LaBeouf in real-life). It seems natural that when Stone was looking for someone to play a thrusting young cock from the banking world - with all the overpaid, obnoxious, spoilt brat connotations embroidered into such a role - he would turn to Shia LaBeouf. Okay, maybe that is a tiny bit unfair, but Mr. Next Big Thing has been a significant party to the fouling up of the last three cinematic summers, thanks to his leading roles in the truly wretched event movie troika of Transformers, Crystal Skulls, and Revenge of the Fallen. Megan Fox and Shia Labeouf as Mikaela Banes and Sam Witwicky in "Transformers" franchise by Michael Bay.
Gekko is apparently less of an and out-and-out villain this time out, with Stone's sequel likely to have him defecating on those even-worse-than-he, 21st century credit default swapping spivs as he clambers back to the apex of the lower Manhattan finance pyramid – much to the delight, no doubt, of a general public who currently hold bankers in the kind of regard they normally reserve for, well, Shia LaBeouf blockbusters". Source: www.indiemoviesonline.com
This is the trailer for Wall Street 2 : Money Never Sleeps. Hence the title, 'Wall Street 2 : Money Never Sleeps Trailer'...
The song playing in the trailer is Ricochet by Shiny Toy Guns. This film comes out 23rd April 2010.
Shia Labeouf and Carey Mulligan have been seen flirting and cuddling a few times since they started to shoot "Wall Street 2 : Money Never Sleeps" (2010).
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