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Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Jake Gyllenhaal Interviewed by Movies.ie
"Lionsgate has officially announced plans to bring the 2009 Jim Sheridan directed film “Brothers” starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Tobey Maguire to Blu-ray Disc on March 23rd. The title is not yet available for pre-order but stay tuned and we will keep you updated. Tech specs have yet to be announced as have bonus materials but the press alert hinted that “…contain numerous bonus materials that include two featurettes plus a director commentary“. Source: www.highdefdiscnews.com
Q: Well, have you seen the movie? JG: “Yes, Twilight. God, I loved that movie! (Laughs) No, I was just saying that, because it's the thing of the moment! Yeah, I'm up on stuff. But what did you want to know?”
Q: What attracted you to Brothers?
JG: “The director Jim Sheridan attracted me. He's made some of the most extraordinary movies, and gotten the most extraordinary performance out of actors - more than many of the directors working today. And his inherent trust in me, as an actor - six weeks to work with someone as extraordinary as him is like a godsend.” Tobey Maguire, Executive producer Ryan Kavanaugh and Jake Gyllenhaal attending 'Brothers' Q&A at The Arclight Theater on 3rd December, 2009 in LA.
Q: The brother thing. JG: “Wow...Well, I don't have a brother. Thank god! I do have a brother-in-law now, But that would be weird, because...anyway! Themes...I think that we all have a great ability to move towards our impulses. Anger, or violence. And I'll just speak for myself, I think inherently as a man, there are things that come up about what you want to do, and what you should do. But then to me, this movie is about forgiveness, ultimately. And about somebody who does something unbelievable. You know, to get back to the thing that they love. And to me, I just feel that's what life is all about. If you have something that you love and you care for, then I would hope that anyone would do anything to get back to that. No matter what. And the complications of what has to be done are unfathomable. Like it won't compute in any logical sense, of even storytelling. Because Tobey's character is put in a position where there is no right choice.” Q: Do you feel that working with such talents as Natalie Portman and Tobey Maguire just helps to make you even better?
JG: “Oh, definitely! Not only for the fact that they are incredible actors but also, because we all already knew each other, it meant we didn’t bring anything new or fake to it. They will call you out on it if you do, if you have a real relationship with someone in real life. I have worked with my sister in movies before and I can’t pull anything with her. She knows when I’m faking and when I’m not.”
Q: Has Maggie called you out before?
JG: “(Laughs) That is all my sister does! That is her primary job in my life.”
Q: Because when you did Jarhead, you talked to a lot of soldiers.
JG: “I did.” Q: So you have finished wrapping on Prince of Persia - how difficult or gruelling a production was that for you?
JG: “It wasn’t difficult at all.”
Q: Really? Putting on all that weight and running around like crazy wasn’t gruelling? JG: “Well it was long - we shot for a long time. I guess putting on the weight for Persia was challenging. Doing all that physical activity and doing all that physical work to get into a part is a certain type of challenge but I had to do it and I did it.”
BROTHERS is now showing nationwide PRINCE OF PERSIA opens in Ireland in Summer 2010
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