Premiere: Rob, before we start, I'd like to know the name of your hairdresser and the brand of gel you use
Rob: You want to know the truth? The only time I cut my hair is on set

R: I don't think anyone can understand what's happening. Something like this is so rare. It's a mix of chance and a coincidence. You wake up one day and you're suddenly a star. Really weird. All of a sudden everyone know who you are while you haven't changed one bit. I really understood what was happening in Cannes. I was in a restaurant and when I came out 500 people were waiting for me at the exit. It was a total chaos. They literally had to carry me to the car.

P:At the same time you must have to watch how you act, which must not be easy, especially when you're 23. I remember when I was 23...It was better that a camera wasn't aimed at me 24/7

P:Are there many male Twilight fans?
R:A few.. more and more guys ask me for autographs in fact. Unless they're doing it only to sell them on Ebay [Laughs]

R: And if everything goes as scheduled, in January I'll begin filiming Bel Ami in Paris for 3 months, after which I'll start filming the 4th and last Twilight movie, Breaking Dawn.
P: Therefore you are booked for 2 years
R: Pretty close. With one week at the end of summer to see my friends, whom in the end, I'll forget even exist [Laughs]. It's crazy
P: I feel like it's your way of escaping the craziness surrounding you right now
R: ..And you're not wrong.
Source: www.premiere.com
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