Keep it buttoned, Gyllenhaal. I have a will of steel. You’re just embarrassing yourself with your wanton ploys for my affection".

I will translate your deafening silence as a frantic "yes, please give us some exclusive JG, please, please, please!" [...]
At 7:58 PM CST last Wednesday night, I received the following information from Melissa: "Tara is, even as I type this, eating dinner 6 feet away from Jake Gyllenhaal. I have probably taken you to eat at [some eating-place]; it's the [insert-nationality-here] restaurant right above it, in which I have never stepped foot. I am, of course, in...Florida, because I am a terrible stalker and went off-mission. But rest assured, he is there, consuming ethnic cuisine."

The following morning, sometime CST, Tara confirmed: "He was! It's also, like, Pittsburgh's tiniest restaurant. It seats maybe 25 people."
HA HA. Jake. Just thinking about him in a tiny restaurant makes me laugh. For no reason.
He was there with Hank Azaria. Apparently. Tara reported to Melissa that he's "SO HOT."
Tara sees Jake again, on the sidewalk outside of some other restaurant".
Read the whole story/3rd Installation “If This Was Jake Watch…” told by the non-pareil Prophecy Girl.
He was at a tiny resturaunt in Shadyside (Pittsburgh) Saturday morning with Reese...and Atticus. They sat in the back, kept to themselves, and tied Atticus up outside while they ate...
thanks for the information, anonymous, woot woot Atticus is back!!
Great article! I wish I could have seen him.
a good story, isn't it? Jake and Reese in a very low key place. Welcome to Weirdland, Pittsburgh Reviews!
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