WEIRDLAND: Kristen Stewart: Joan Jett's buddy

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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Kristen Stewart: Joan Jett's buddy

Kristen Stewart characterized as glam rocker Joan Jett.
Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning were spotted at an LA recording studio where they're preparing for shooting on their new movie The Runaways.
"Stewart has been spotted working with a vocal coach for her role in the film - do I hear the sounds of another celebrity album? I hope not. However, even I have to admit that Stewart is a good choice for the role of Jett.

Says of the film:
Joan Jett herself has signed on to be the film’s executive producer, and Stewart revealed to us that not only is she currently hard at work picking up old guitar riffs, but she’s also been spending quality time with the durable rock goddess herself.“Yeah, I spent New Year’s with her,” Kristen said of her new buddy Joan Jett. “I spent, like hours, just talking to her.” Source:

Kristen Stewart has denied in several occasions to press she was dating her co-star Robert Pattinson.

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