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Thursday, June 25, 2009
Hotties and their baseball caps
"Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal doing the New York Times crossword together over breakfast yesterday morning at Georgetown’s Le Pain Quotidien — gym clothes, shades, baseball caps (Jake’s with a Nats logo!). And then, hmmm, what do you know, they just happened to leave the paper behind … and they filled it out in ink. And mostly got it right! The Monday puzzle, but still. The movie stars (she’s shooting here) seem to have struggled with 57 Down, “Workplace watchdog org.” Source: voices.washingtonpost.com
Duryea's Lobster Deck logo hat spotted being worn by Robert Pattinson in New York City on June 10, 2009. He purchased it at the restaurant in Montauk, NY while there in June 5-8 while filming a future cover for Vanity Fair magazine.Duryea's Lobster Deck Logo Hat New York Yankees 1903 Cap Blue adjustable fitted baseball cap with the words "New York Yankees Established in 1903" surrounding the Yankees logo Source: www.coolspotters.com
"Speed Racer" (2008) - Baseball Cap.Emile Hirsch kissing Christina Ricci in "Speed Racer"."Speed Racer" kids' backpack, a rollerball pen with wheel spinning top, a baseball cap, a set of eight temporary tattoos, a set of eight buttons, a spinning key ring etc.
Emile Hirsch and Ben Foster at "Alpha Dog" premiere, on 3rd January 2007, L.A.
"Back in 2006, director Nick Cassavetes filmed Alpha Dog, which was based on the true story of the kidnapping and subsequent murder of 15-year-old Nicholas Markowitz. This week, Jesse James Hollywood, whose character was portrayed by Emile Hirsch in the film, took the stand in his own self-defense".
"Emile Hirsch will never play a role as fabulously cruel for the rest of his career. He is Johnny Truelove, a drug dealer [...] Cassavetes assembles his chilly twists around Hirsch. The actor’s eyes glitter with deadpan pleasure. His character Johnny is demonic. He might be Pinky from Brighton Rock, or a young James Cagney. Hirsch wears a back-to-front baseball cap, a mobile phone and a smirk. The cruelty is banal. That’s the creepy power. It helps that his father is the neighbourhood bruiser". Source: entertainment.timesonline.co.uk
Emile Hirsch with Andrew Keegan at the Premiere of the play "He Asked for It", opening night, on 12th Jun, 2009, at Macha Theatre, West Hollywood, California
Topher Grace's Baseball Cap
"Sometimes a celebrity wants to go incognito and blend in with the rest of the Yankee fans in town. That's wear the old ball cap comes in handy—and lets you show your team colors". Source: www.instyle.com
Shia Labeouf departing from Los Angeles International Airport in Calif. on 24th June, 2009, look: scruffy, denim jacket and baseball cap.
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