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Monday, April 06, 2009
Language of Destruction
"Kelly weaves into the life and experiences of the emotionally troubled Donnie Darko (Jake Gyllenhaal) beautiful themes of adolescence and adulthood, destruction and creation, dying and living, fear and love, and sacrifice. Professor of philosophy Heather Ross called the film “a work of art about a complex, sad … bizarro circumstance.” She talked about the Christ-like sacrificial figure of Donnie Darko, the emptiness that “has an evil quality about it” and the “awesomeness” of Darko’s English teacher, Karen Pomeroy. Evidently philosophers are allowed to make up words, presumably in an effort to overcome the boundary that language imposes on thought". Source: www.pointweekly.com "Weisman’s film of Edie’s last years Ciao Manhattan, memorably filmed in the bottom of an empty swimming pool. Edie’s appeal lies in the simple fact that being a muse is the road to ruin, a doctorate in destruction of self worthy of Artaud. In a CD included in Edie: Girl on Fire, she matter-of-factly steps outside her myth, deconstructing and destroying it.Those who associate Edie with giggly girlishness will be amazed at her patrician voice, full of Brahminesque authority. In a Christ-like manner, Edie conveys the sense that the ultimate form of selfishness is to give your persona to others to the point of self-destruction.So we will give Edie, as eternal muse, the coda, "I’d like to turn the whole world on just for a moment. Just for a moment." The life ends and the moment goes on". Source: www.artnet.com
Hi Kendra, vedere le foto di JGy è sempre un piacere, anche se devo dire la verità, mi piace molto di più adesso che quando era molto più giovane... Oggi sono molto triste, a causa del terremoto che a colpito la mia zona, la mia città si trova a circa 160 Km da L'Aquila e seppur la mia città non ha subito nessun danno la scossa l'abbiamo sentita e ci siamo molto spaventati con mio marito... Penso molto a tutta quella gente che non ha più nulla, nè casa, ne abiti, ne persone care...
Sorry to hear of these terrible effects caused by a earthquaker, Rosa! I hope the people close to you are all well. So sad seeing the people who lose their homes by these catastrophes. My thoughts are with them :)
In regards to Jake's attractiveness when he was younger, I've always found him attractive in his different progressions while he continues to grow up.
Hi Kendra,
vedere le foto di JGy è sempre un piacere, anche se devo dire la verità, mi piace molto di più adesso che quando era molto più giovane...
Oggi sono molto triste, a causa del terremoto che a colpito la mia zona, la mia città si trova a circa 160 Km da L'Aquila e seppur la mia città non ha subito nessun danno la scossa l'abbiamo sentita e ci siamo molto spaventati con mio marito...
Penso molto a tutta quella gente che non ha più nulla, nè casa, ne abiti, ne persone care...
Sorry to hear of these terrible effects caused by a earthquaker, Rosa! I hope the people close to you are all well. So sad seeing the people who lose their homes by these catastrophes. My thoughts are with them :)
In regards to Jake's attractiveness when he was younger, I've always found him attractive in his different progressions while he continues to grow up.
Tank you so much Kendra.-
XXX My.-
Good Tuesday morning, Rosa!
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