"If we think of models, beauty pageant queens, Sarah Palin, talk show hosts, news anchors and more and more just regular folk walking down the street white teeth have become a fashion accessory. It's something that's become a must-have."
The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry recently released an annual survey of celebrity smiles.

Innocent and sexy too. Feeling better here hope you are too. Jake is just the antidote for what ails you. Thanks for the wonderful post Kendra.
yesterday night I couldn't sleep well, blame it on the neighbours (or on the alcohol -as the song-, joking), but I drank my royal jelly milkshake so my batteries are on, thank you, Gail! you know a natural remedy for headaches is salicin (from willow trees), it contains Salicylic acid like the aspirins. Seeing Jake smiling also boost my spirit ;)
Hi Kendra,
vorrei farti 2 domande, perchè in Italia non se ne è più parlato :
1)" Come è andata a finire l'interrogazione della polizia, nei confronti di una delle gemelle Olsen, per quanto riguarda la tragica fine di Ledger ? ".-
2) " Ho iniziato a seguire Jake dai tempi di Brokeback M., e fino al momento della morte di Ledger il suo sorriso era radioso,allegro, diverso insomma...ora, dopo la morte di Ledger questo sorriso è cambiato, gli occhi sono sempre velati di tristezza, ed io non credo di immaginarmi questa sensazione che ho, quando guardo le sue foto, tu credi che centri qualcosa Legder ? "
Un bacio e grazie :-)
I'll be pleased to try and answer your questions, Rosa:
Amidst the investigation surrounding Heath Ledger's death circumstances, Mary-Kate Olsen got off-the hook and she didn't have to testify, Mary-Kate insisted she didn't know the source of the prescription drugs Heath used, more info about the case:
here in huffingtonpost.
Evidently, you can realized how affected Jake must be after assuming Heath's disappearance off his life, they were very good friends, with a strong bond they shared acting in a legendary film as BBM became. Yes, you can notice some traces of that sadness still in Jake's face, in some of his expressions, even you could say his mood sometimes isn't so feisty as a couple of years ago, Jake is a more reserved guy now, with the paps, in his general attitude, but it's also part of a natural maturing process, Jake won't be Jakey Poo forever, he's grown-up, has more life experience, he has a new romantic interest, continues to expand his acting craft, etc.
Sometimes it's hard to evolve, even in wealthy environments as Hollywood, losing a friend takes a toll in your heart forever, and Jake wasn't the only in feeling that way, read how Ledger's loss affected his friend director Catherine Hardwicke in this article.
Hugs and kisses, Rosa!
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