"Bella Swan is a diamond in the rough. We've seen her trip and fall, we've seen her battle her own antisocial behavior and we've seen her fall heart-and-soul into a most unusual romance. But now, as filming for "New Moon" gets underway, director Chris Weitz is planning to show us Bella as we've never seen her before.
"I had to go in and do a head-scan the other day," Kristen Stewart revealed to MTV News over the weekend, discussing a recent Vancouver appointment to create a computer-generated doppelgänger for a key "New Moon" scene.
The CGI-Bella will appear during a moment Twilighters have long dreamt of watching with their own eyes: the cliff-diving scene. In "New Moon," Bella becomes so distraught over her breakup with Edward that she dives off a precipice into the icy waters below, hearing his voice whenever she places herself in danger. Fans care so much about the pivotal "New Moon" moment that some have even created their own videos depicting how it should go down. Until now, the biggest question has been whether Stewart would do the stunt herself.

"I get to almost jump, and then no. I'm not going to do the cliff-diving, unfortunately."
Instead Weitz — the effects whiz who brought "The Golden Compass" to life — has decided to keep his actress on dry land and call in the computers. "I have to hand it off to some computerized Bella," Stewart grinned.
Photos of the "Twilight" crew's recent trip to Vancouver have flooded the Internet, bringing an amazing amount of analysis to pics of the actors standing around between takes. In the mind of the 18-year-old actress, however, the only thing even more bizarre was holding an angst-ridden face while it was scanned repeatedly — to eventually be placed onto a CGI cliff-diver.
"I went to do a head-scan the other day and it had to be my 'determined' look," she laughed. "They were like, 'You're just about to jump, so [pretend] like you're about to scream or something.'"

But she was told there was no room for interpretation. "Every face [had to] look exactly the same," she explained. "So I was like, 'I can't move? But I have to make the [jumping off a cliff] expression?' "

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