“She’s not doing well. People were pushing her to go in there but there was no intervention… She has been partying hard for a while and I’m sure the Heath Ledger thing put people over the edge. She’s been crying a lot lately, a lot built up. …Everybody hits that bottom where you feel [so] scared that that one heavy night of partying can really wake you up. It’s good she’s getting herself help.”
Things came to a head for Kirsten when she failed to show up for her own Glamour magazine party after a night are hard partying at the Sundance Film Festival. Her reps said she “wasn’t feeling well” but we all know that’s code for ‘she’s coming down and took a handful of Xanax to sleep.’
Source: www.Hollywoodbackwash.com
I'm so sorry for Kirsten I hope she'll recover soon...
And I'm sorry for Jake too, because another beloved person is in pain...
I hope she will get well again soon. And (( )) to Jake, too.
I really care for Kirsten and I hope she's receiving all the love and comfort she needs.
It's good hearing there is concern about Kirsten's health. That proves that although we feel disappointed somehow towards our cinema "referents" deep down we want them to battle their addictions successfully. I hope Kirsten uses this rehab experience to reach more maturity.
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