WEIRDLAND: Happy 32th birthday Tobey!

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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Happy 32th birthday Tobey!

These 2 last pictures are a comparison between Tobey Maguire and Jake, for celebrating those previous I posted in Jake Weird, do you remember them?
Jake & Tobey part I.
Jake & Tobey part II.
Jake, Reese and Tobey.
Comparison Mania.


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to Toby!!

I never thought he looks like Jake though.I don't get why so many people think they are the same person :p

Weirdland said...

I only hope they weren't the same for Kirsten ;)

heddaparsons said...

I guess this would be a belated Happy B' day to Tobey, LOL!!!

I never thought he looked like Jake either, but I think he favors Elijah Wood.

Anonymous said...

In some picture Jake appears to have greyish eyes, in others blue. He wears contact, so I understand. Could he be using them to color his eyes blue?

Weirdland said...

It's possible, anonymous, I hadn't noticed it so far, I don't like contacts anyway!