She said baby, can't you see
I wanna be famous, a star on the screen
But you can do something in between
Baby you can drive my car
Yes I'm gonna be a star
Baby you can drive my car
And maybe I'll love you
I told that girl that my prospects were good
And she said baby, it's understood
Working for peanuts is all very fine
But I can show you a better time
Baby you can drive my car
Yes I'm gonna be a star
Baby you can drive my car
And maybe I'll love you
Beep beep'm beep beep yeah
Baby you can drive my car
Yes I'm gonna be a star
Baby you can drive my car
And maybe I'll love you
I told that girl I can start right away
When she said listen babe I got something to say
I got no car and it's breaking my heart
But I found a driver and that's a start
Baby you can drive my car
Yes I'm gonna be a star
Baby you can drive my car
And maybe I'll love you
Beep beep'm beep beep yeah
Beep beep'm beep beep yeah"
Lovely photos,Kendra.
Everybody looks great,except for you know who :p
Miss Aniston on competition for the title of Queen of most boring looking women.
Perfect little,upbeat song to go together with these lovely pictures.
Reminds me I have to put on 'Rubber Soul' again!
Beautiful pictures Kendra and ditto on Aniston!
Another weird-reader who jumps on the bandwagon which marchs far away from Miss Aniston, lol, and yawn (she's so boring she's yawn inducing).
well said, Kendra ;)
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