WEIRDLAND: BBM at Venice Film Festival 2005

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Monday, June 25, 2007

BBM at Venice Film Festival 2005


Anonymous said...

Interesting video.
I think Casanova was a very enjoyable film.I was impressed by Sienna's performance,it was the first time I saw her acting

Weirdland said...

Casanova is pending on my list of "romance" movies, I think Heath's best dramatic demanding role has been in "Candy" so far. I watched "Candy" two weeks ago in the "Buñuel Multicines" theatre in Zaragoza and I was blown away by his performance (and Abbie Cornish's).

Anonymous said...

I actually was more impressed with Abby.
I'm sorry to say but I think Heath acts the same in all his movies.I saw Candy,Ned Kelly and Monster's Ball at a short period of time and he was the same in all 3,just different clothes and accents.He is good but not versatile imo

Weirdland said...

My husband says the same as you gr77, he isn't a big fan of Heath either, he finds Heath boring. I think he's watchable, very good in some scenes, but overall a correct not too surprising actor.

Anonymous said...

Your husband and I agree once more.Great minds think alike :p