"Secretary was one of the biggest disappointments I've ever seen. After seeing it land on a vast majority of year-best lists, and witnessing the adoration on RT, I had been very excited to see it.
What I found disgusting about the film was not the explicit sexual content so much as the very conceit of the film. Essentially, the film suggests that a person driven to self-mutilation can find solace in submitting to pain and humiliation at the hand of someone else. I find that incredibly offensive. The structure of the film is very simplistic and does a tremendous disservice to people with real psychological difficulties. If there is any complexity in the film, it's because Gyllenhaal and Spader are incredibly intelligent, perceptive actors. The sad thing is that the film has a few keen observations and moments of humor that are awash in the exploitive nature of the concept. Maybe if they had done it differently it might have worked. I'm too lazy to post a link to the review in my journal, but Secretary just ended up not working for me at all." -Dade Devlin in "Rotten Tomatoes forum"
I have not seen the film (yet. I have it on DVD but have yet to watch it), so I really cannot comment. I have always understood it is about SM and to me SM is about enjoying inflicting pain on others and humiliating them and enjoying being hurt and being humiliated. Not my thing at all. I do not want to experience it, I do not want to read about it and I do not want to watch it.
We live in a sick enough world as it is (you should read Amnesty International's yearly reports on torture and realize what people are capable of inflicting on one another). But I guess everyone is entitled to his or her personal enjoyment. (But if any of you are into this kind of stuff, please don't tell me about it..!).
i think "secretary" uses the SM factor as a basis to comment on individuality and freedom to be ourselves.these two characters find true happiness with the "special" relationship they have and they should be free to keep it that way imo.the film is very clever and magnificently acted by maggie and james
^^ I agree, gr77.
Secretary isn't really about SM, Penny Lane, it's a love story so romantic as "When Harry met Sally" or "Garden State", simply a tale about two lonely people, a cold reserved lawyer and his disfunctioal secretary that elevates its relationship above every typical love flick. This is not a sleazy or denigrant film at all. Maggie's character is not a victim, she is a heroine (or better, an antiheroine).
I am glad to hear the movie is not sleazy or denigrating, Kendra (actually I would be surprised if Maggie were to appear in such kind of movie). As I said, I have not seen 'Secretary' yet, but will let you know what I think of it when I do! (And sorry if I was a bit over the top there - not that I didn't mean what I wrote, but perhaps it does not belong here).
no need to apologize,penny lane.i don't think you were over the top at all
penny lane - I totally agree - hate SM thing
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