WEIRDLAND: Distinctiveness and femininity: Diane Chambers

Monday, February 19, 2024

Distinctiveness and femininity: Diane Chambers

Sam Malone and Diane Chambers may have had their fair share of tension as an on-again off-again couple on "Cheers," but 30 years later, Ted Danson (Malone) thinks Shelley Long (Chambers) has everything to do with the show's success. "You really put us on the map," Danson told Long at the "Cheers" 30th Anniversary Reunion Dinner, according to Entertainment Tonight. "And this is not my opinion," Danson remarked. "This is everybody's. We hadn't seen a character like Diane Chambers for years. You really put 'Cheers' on the map with your astounding performance." Danson told People in 1987: “I cannot say anything bad about my partner. I mean, my wife and I have terrible arguments sometimes, and they’re our business. Our relationship, Shelley’s and mine, has included being happy with each other and not being happy with each other.” Danson recently added, "Shelley's process would have infuriated you if it hadn't been purposeful. But it was purposeful—it was her way of being Diane—and there's not a mean bone in Shelley's body. I was in heaven." Source:

Distinctiveness and femininity, rather than symmetry and masculinity, affect facial attractiveness across the world. In a new study it was observed that males found the more feminine faces of women to be more beautiful, whereas masculinity had little to no impact on women’s perception of male attractiveness. The study also noted that facial symmetry did not influence attractiveness perceptions. This new research was published in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior Volume 45, Issue 1, January 2024. Female faces exhibiting higher sex-typicality, meaning those appearing more feminine, were universally judged as more attractive. However, increasing the masculinity of male faces did not influence their attractiveness ratings. Overall, women were rated as more attractive than men. Source:

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