Jake Gyllenhaal hiking with friends and his dog Atticus at Runyon Canyon on 14th May 2011

Jake Gyllenhaal, Pre-Cut
You have: A boyish nest of just-woke-up bedhead.

The example: Gyllenhaal, we are pretty sure, has had that same mop of tussled hair since Donnie Darko.

What went (sorta) wrong: A long wait between haircuts. "The sides are too poofy for the short length of the top," says Maniace. "It makes his head look round. Maybe he's trying to hide his ears?"

Jake Gyllenhaal, Short Cut

You need: To buzz it. Gyllenhaal is reliving his Jarhead days this spring, and so long as you've got the head shape — and sunscreen — to pull it off, you might do well to follow his lead. It's a freeing thing, the buzzcut.

What to ask your barber: Number One on the sides, Number Two up top. "Fade the neckline so it has a natural finish and trim your beard so it's shorter than your hair," Maniace suggests. "Otherwise it will look out of balance." A dose of Anthony Sport face lotion will do your whole head right, with SPF 15 to boot.
Source: www.esquire.com
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