
Two men have found a way to survive a world overrun by zombies. Columbus is a big wuss but when you're afraid of being eaten by zombies, fear can keep you alive. Tallahassee is an AK-totin, zombie-slayin badass whose single determination is to get the last Twinkie on earth. As they join forces with Wichita and Little Rock, who have also found unique ways to survive the zombie mayhem, they will have to determine which is worse: relying on each other or succumbing to the zombies.
-Who were some of the influences that you looked to as you came into the industry?
-When I started directing my own stuff, the path I took was doing music videos, so Spike Jonze, Michel Gondry, Jonathan Glazer and Mark Romanek were my music video influences. Once I started doing more narrative stuff and doing comedy, I would say my influences were more along the lines of the classic 80s movies directors that I grew up on like John Hughes, John Landis, Ivan Reitman and Harold Ramis. They were big influences.
Neil LaBute moderates a Directors Close Up panel of comedy writers and directors. In this clip he discusses comedy directing with Zombieland director Ruben Fleischer and the Opposite of Sex director Don Roos.
-Honestly, at first I wasn’t too sure about the zombie component of the movie, because growing up, I wasn’t a huge zombie fan. I wasn’t a huge genre fan but I just loved the characters and I loved the comedy. They felt very real and they were guys that I wanted to go on a journey with. It is really about their relationship, the kinda ‘Odd Couple’, buddy comedy aspect of it that I was most excited to explore.

-One of the biggest on-screen surprises for your film or any film in 2009 was the appearance from Bill Murray. How did that come about?

-What is the status of the sequel, ‘Zombieland 2′?
-We have been talking to the studio and we pitched them some ideas that they seemed to really like. We are definitely doing the film in 3D. Sony has their own 3D division now and we are going to go get a little tour of that on Tuesday (3/2/2010), of the 3D department. I know that the cast are all excited to be a part of the sequel, so it should be a great, fun movie to make! The script is about to be written and hopefully we will shoot it sometime towards the end of the year or early next year.

-Did you have any reservations about doing a sequel?
-I didn’t because the movie was originally conceived as a television show, so it was kinda always meant to lead to another episode. There was no finality to the characters or the world in the original concept, so it’s not like we are stretching it. That’s why ‘Zombie Kill of The Week’ is ‘Zombie Kill of The Week’, because that is the kill of the week and next week there will be another one. That’s why I don’t feel that we are being oporrtunistic or too exploitative of the success of the first film. I feel that this is the way it was always intended to be.

-Nothing has been determined yet but just from the little that I know about 3D, I would greatly prefer to shoot it in 3D.

-You are getting to the point in your career where you can look back and see some pretty big milestones. Large or small, what has been the most exciting thing for you so far?
-Some of my greatest memories from the past year, beyond making ‘Zombieland’, are getting to watch it with an audience in theaters. Hearing the laughs from the audience was an incredible experience, particularly because as a commercial director, you don’t typically get to watch your stuff with people. It is usually just on TV or on internet. It was really exciting to get to hear the public feedback. The movie gets a lot of laughs, so it was really fun. Then, there are some of the people who I have had the opportunity to meet through the film’s recognition. I got to meet Ivan Reitman, John Landis and some other people that I really have been a big fan of, so getting to talk shop with them has been pretty neat". Source: www.iconvsicon.com

It is a potentially cheesy and over- familiar comic idea. But the Mr Hyde figure that Nick invents is weirdly plausible. With orangey contact lenses, he has an unnerving robotic glare; his moustache and side-parting add to the sinister look. There is a "teen fiction" feel to Nick's bizarre life: he is like a very nerdified Harry Potter or Alex Rider, and his life experiences, though not involving magic or spying, are just as far-fetched – and a lot more amusing. It is very silly, and it may take you some time to tune in to the giggle wavelength. Once you have, it's very funny". Source: www.guardian.co.uk
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