Now Jake Weird has a new affiliate with Seth Rogen Online, devoted to this funny Canadian actor who starred in "Knocked up" as Ben Stone. Watch this video dedicated to Mr. Rogen (with scenes of him in "Knocked up", "The 40 years old virgin" and "Superbad"):
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Moving to London?

“Jake keeps his things at Reese’s house and uses it at his home base most of the time,” an insider reveals. “They literally don’t want to spend any time away from each other.”
But with Reese’s daughter Ava, 8, and son Deacon, 3, the couple has to be careful.
“Reese is very content with where things are right now,” a Witherspoon pal says. “She has her career, her kids and a fantastic relationship. [And] she has been careful to work in Jake into her childrens’ lives slowly. She knows her kids already have a daddy.”
Indie is falling
"Unfortunately, most of the folks trying to make indie movies these days, as was revealed at my film financing panel Saturday (including producer Cathy Schulman, ICM's Hal Sadoff and New Bridge Capital's Danny Mandel), seem to be trying to make genre thrillers with someone on the list of not-too-costly actors between the age of 20 and 30 who foreign sales agents want to sell in territories around the world (where interest in American product seems to be drying up). Quality dramas are a no-go, said Schulman, although that's what she's trying to make at Mandalay Indie. And the surviving specialty distribs are strictly cherry-picking. You might get your movie made. But it might go straight-to-video. And it wouldn't be worth as much as it might have been a few years ago. [...] I know I don’t have to repeat all the ways that the independent film business is in trouble. But I’m going to do it anyway—because the accumulation of bad news is kind of awe-inspiring:
1: Picturehouse and Warner Independent have been shut down.
2: New Line’s staff was cut by 90 percent, and the survivors were sent to hell...I mean...Burbank.
3: Paramount Vantage was folded into the mother ship (this one may not be all bad news, by the way, but it still scares the hell out of independent film people).
4: Sidney Kimmel shrunk his company in half.
5: ThinkFilm is being sued for not paying its advertising bills, even as the unions repeatedly close down their David O. Russell
production with the prophetic title “Nailed” for failure to meet weekly payroll.
6: Another five companies are in serious financial peril. And those are only the ones I’m sure of.
7: The $18 billion that Wall Street poured into Hollywood over the past four years has slowed to a trickle, and shows no signs of being replaced at even remotely the same levels from any new source.
8: There’s a glut of films: 5000 movies got made last year. Of those, 603 got released theatrically here. And there’s not room in the market—as there used to be—for even 400 of those.
Maybe there’s room for 300. So everything else just dies. Most of these pictures are pre-ordained flops from independent distributors who forgot that their odds would have been better if they’d converted their money into quarters and taken the all-night party bus to Vegas.
9: Advertising costs have radically outpaced inflation even as media delivery of audiences falls through the floor. So movie companies now enjoy the privilege of paying way more to be far less effective marketers.
10: Movies now routinely fight with really compelling leisure alternatives that nobody in the last great era of cinema—the 1970s—even imagined: from ipods to Xboxes to tivos to you tubes to the radically improved behemoth that is cable television.
11: The international marketplace may be growing dramatically, but all of that growth is eaten up by studio movies, a couple dozen top independent films, and burgeoning local language productions. Everything else we make in this country doesn’t sell for less—as it has for the past 20-plus years. Now, most American independent films don’t sell at all overseas. I’ve never seen more depressed people in my life than I did in Cannes last month. The phrase “worst market ever” could be heard from every corner. A lot of film market veterans were musing about never coming back. It’s that bad out there.
12: One entertainment industry banker I know believes another 10 independent film financiers will exit the business in the next year. I think he’s low.
And finally, just for bad luck:
13: The average cost of an independent film released theatrically in North America shot up dramatically last year (not as much perhaps as the 60% the MPAA reported for its member companies, but a lot nonetheless). And this of course makes it a hell of a lot harder to break even or squeak out a small return and stay in business".
Read the whole article in
1: Picturehouse and Warner Independent have been shut down.
2: New Line’s staff was cut by 90 percent, and the survivors were sent to hell...I mean...Burbank.
3: Paramount Vantage was folded into the mother ship (this one may not be all bad news, by the way, but it still scares the hell out of independent film people).
4: Sidney Kimmel shrunk his company in half.
5: ThinkFilm is being sued for not paying its advertising bills, even as the unions repeatedly close down their David O. Russell

6: Another five companies are in serious financial peril. And those are only the ones I’m sure of.
7: The $18 billion that Wall Street poured into Hollywood over the past four years has slowed to a trickle, and shows no signs of being replaced at even remotely the same levels from any new source.
8: There’s a glut of films: 5000 movies got made last year. Of those, 603 got released theatrically here. And there’s not room in the market—as there used to be—for even 400 of those.
Maybe there’s room for 300. So everything else just dies. Most of these pictures are pre-ordained flops from independent distributors who forgot that their odds would have been better if they’d converted their money into quarters and taken the all-night party bus to Vegas.
9: Advertising costs have radically outpaced inflation even as media delivery of audiences falls through the floor. So movie companies now enjoy the privilege of paying way more to be far less effective marketers.
10: Movies now routinely fight with really compelling leisure alternatives that nobody in the last great era of cinema—the 1970s—even imagined: from ipods to Xboxes to tivos to you tubes to the radically improved behemoth that is cable television.
11: The international marketplace may be growing dramatically, but all of that growth is eaten up by studio movies, a couple dozen top independent films, and burgeoning local language productions. Everything else we make in this country doesn’t sell for less—as it has for the past 20-plus years. Now, most American independent films don’t sell at all overseas. I’ve never seen more depressed people in my life than I did in Cannes last month. The phrase “worst market ever” could be heard from every corner. A lot of film market veterans were musing about never coming back. It’s that bad out there.
12: One entertainment industry banker I know believes another 10 independent film financiers will exit the business in the next year. I think he’s low.
And finally, just for bad luck:
13: The average cost of an independent film released theatrically in North America shot up dramatically last year (not as much perhaps as the 60% the MPAA reported for its member companies, but a lot nonetheless). And this of course makes it a hell of a lot harder to break even or squeak out a small return and stay in business".
Read the whole article in
Friday, June 27, 2008
Maggie, Peter and Ramona

Maggie Gyllenhaaal, Peter Sarsgaard and their adorable daughter Ramona enjoyed a sunny afternoon in Venice, California yesterday. Since, The Dark Knight is set to release soon, I imagine we'll be seeing a lot more of Maggie and her family. Have to admit I am EXTREMELY excited about the new Batman movie. Christian Bale owns a little piece of my heart.
Photos by Bauer Griffin
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Emotive stamp

-Bertie: You think?
-I mean that I'm that I'm looking for.
-Any thing special you had in mind?
-Wedding invitations.
-You want'em back?
-I do.
-What did you forget to lick the stamps? All right.

Heartbreaking endings

Ennis learns through a returned postcard that Jack is dead.
Jack’s wife tells him what we’re meant to regard as a false explanation of Jack’s death; for we’re shown a scene lasting only a few seconds of screen time in which a man is brutally attacked by men wielding tire irons. Later Jack’s father denies Ennis’s request to bury Jack’s ashes on Brokeback mountain. All Ennis has left is the jacket and shirt Jack’s mother kindly has given him. And he lives out his live in his small trailer, alone, as if entombed. Thus Brokeback closes, not with a triumphant love duet, but with an enormously sad aloneness. Still, if the film does not end with the standard triumph of love, it ends with love sustained, as Ennis, caressing Jack’s shirt and jacket, tears up and speaks his name aloud: “Jack, I swear …” This is all the Liebestod these star-crossed lovers are allowed". Source:

The performances here are rock solid. Jonah Hill and Michael Cera are dead-on as Seth and Evan. I was especially impressed with Cera's performance, who has really developed his own quirky acting style that accounts for a large percentage of the laughs in the film". Source:
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Kirsten watched by Gawker

Kirsten dunst at the beatrice inn on 8th ave and 12th street at12:45am she was dancing at the dj booth and mingling around the place. looked sooo great in a little black dress! when i left she was still there. I saw Kirsten Dunst at Bacaro on Division St on Saturday night about midnight, presumably before she went to beatrice. Poor posture. Seemed to go in and out, maybe to smoke out on the street, or stand with friends who were doing so".
Michelle Williams in "Elle"

An open bag of Veggie Booty sits between the seats. This would belong to Matilda Rose Ledger, age two. She is named after the Roald Dahl children’s classic Matilda—a girl born of beastly parents but blessed with magical powers that make her feel as if she’s “flying past the stars on silver wings.”

Her smiles come easily but are complicated, never carefree. “I'm always aware of the whole,” Williams says. “I have that feeling inside, like when something really tickles or delights me—it's not singular. I recognize all the awful things in the world, and in spite of them, I can still laugh.” This hyperawareness has come at a price. “For so long, I felt like a walking open wound everywhere I went,” she says. “There's this Joan Didion quote about being afflicted from an early age with a presentiment of loss. Did I come into the world like that? Or was I kind of gifted that?”


Promoting her new film "Synecdoche New York", the actress laughed alongside Philip Seymour Hoffman, Catherine Keener and Samantha Morton.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
R.I.P. George Carlin
"Sex without love has its place, and it's pretty cool, but when you have it hand in hand with deep commitment and respect and caring, it's nine thousand times better". -George Carlin.
Party scene

"Unlike the party-hard Ryan, Jake is a private man who shies away from the spectacle of Hollywood. And, like Reese, he loves to spend time at home, walking his dogs and staying in shape. "Jake is everything Ryan isn't — he's grounded, he's a family man, he loathes the party scene and, most important, he's a one-woman guy", says an insider". Source:
"Love Will Tear Us Apart"
Written and Performed by Joy Division (from their hits album Substance) ~ Courtesy of Warner Music U.K. Ltd.

Hear no evil, speak no evil - and you'll never be invited to a party” -Oscar Wilde quote.
'These Eyes,' by the Guess Who

In an interview with Movieweb, 'Superbad' director Greg Mottola admitted the 38-year-old song did seem to be a strange choice to include in a picture about and geared to the sensibilities of today's teenagers, but ultimately he went with it because, as he wisely pointed out, "classic rock never goes away." Other possibilities for the scene were filmed, included Cera performing Sisqo's 1999 hit 'The Thong Song' and one where Cera just danced rather than sang. But in the end, by going with 'These Eyes,' Mottola made a successful wager that young teen audiences would relate to the timelessness of the tune".
"In many ways Superbad is our generation’s American Graffiti. Like George Lucas before him, Superbad is Greg Motolla’s sophomore effort, but both films have far more in common than just that. Thematically and structurally Superbad mirrors the classic 1970s picture. Not only does it accomplish this by having audiences follow the principle characters’ non-linear paths over the course of one life changing night, but both films hold true the ideals that will forever dominate the male adolescent mind. These principles, which are quite primal in their nature, are girls, booze and sex. Simply put, these basic themes help make Superbad one of the most accessible films ever made".

Sunday, June 22, 2008
My crushes' crushes

Saturday, June 21, 2008
Who's Kirsten dating?

We spotted Kiki and new boy toy Matt Creed (who is a DJ that probably does not spin faintly Christian crap rock) walking in NYC this afternoon.
Upon googling this young man's name, the first page that came up was "Matt's Creed Page." Hosted by Angelfire, this old chestnut of a website is still some how kicking can even listen to Real Audio files from the Human Clay album! Aww, remember when the internets used to be so simple?
Blondies with sunglasses

New encounter

Regrettably, I didn't get to speak to him. I wanted to respect his privacy and wasn't sure how he would react to a fan approaching him during his stay in the Air New Zealand airline lounge or onboard the flight. Do you think I should have? Have I just missed an opportunity of a lifetime or did I do the right thing?
Virgin uses the ANZ lounge at LAX. I was sitting in view of the entrance when he arrived with two companions. One was a butch-looking security type and the other was a blonde female assistant-looking type. He was wearing a grey hoodie, perhaps to reduce recognisability and also seemingly to hide long hair - perhaps grown for a role - I need to look into that. He walked in and we made that kind of brief eye contact. I held his stare but forced myself to remain unreactive on the outside. God I wish I'd just let out a big smile and waved, but then I feared that may have been cheesy. He didn't appear to want to court attention anyway. After arrival in the lounge the three promptly left again to come back about ten minutes later. Perhaps there was something he wanted to buy at the shops. He went all the way to the back of the lounge - where I had been sitting but left because it's kind of boring and I wanted to sit near the TV in the end. While we waited for the boarding call I popped up to the back a couple of times to look down at the gate. I walked right behind him and I could have patted him on the head. Each time Jake was sitting on his own on his mobile to someone. Reece maybe? He must have stayed on that mobile for the entire time of his stay in the lounge. His minders did not sit with him. They hung around outside of the lounge mostly.
When boarding time came, I thought this was going to be interesting... how would they get him onto the plane... would he wait in an airbridge queue Turned out they timed it so that most of the plane was boarded before he came on. He came on without the minders. He seemed a little sad actually. Lonely perhaps? I leaned forward as he walked past me and tried to see if I could smell his cologne. I couldn't smell anything. He was mere millimetres away from me. He had a backpack and a smaller bag which scraped along the back of the seats to the starboard side of the cabin. He found his seat, which seemed miles away from where I was. As he sat down he looked back and again we appeared to make eye contact. Again I held any reaction.
So this was a 'sleeper' flight. Upper Class passengers are offered a set of PJs to wear. Jake didn't accept them and stayed in his clothes. I changed however. It helps you feel a little more fresher when you arrive.
I wondered if Jake was a seasoned Virgin flyer like myself or if this was his first time. I've had a few celebrity encounters on Virgin Atlantic recently. Madonna flies Virgin Atlantic, probably as part of her trying-to-be-green initiative and giving the private jet a rest. Madonna had an area of the Heathrow lounge sectioned off for Lola and her. So Virgin Atlantic seems to be the hot airline for the stars right now.
Jake wasn't using the in-flight entertainment system. He appeared to have his own little DVD player. I believe it is still possible for Upper Class passengers to get these from the crew, but it's still possible it was his own. It's ironic; a year ago the in-flight system had several of his movies. Right now it had none.
Dinner time came and Jake must have requested a special meal as he was served first with something which wasn't on the menu. Perhaps he went low fat? Would he go kosher? It looked like a salad. That was all he ate. I wondered if he had a anti-jetlag plan. They say you shouldn't eat on sleeper flights. Or eat very little.
The next unusual event was when he had half the Upper Class cabin crew searching for something in his seat. I overheard them saying he dropped something and lost it down the seat. The Upper Class suites are terrible for this. Jake spent the next 30 mins bent over looking for this... so was forced to stare at his ass for the duration. Such a hardship. I don't know if they found anything, but it was a serious carry-on. The FSM (Flight Service Manager) and two or three flight attendants were involved in literally dismantling his seat.
The hood never came down the whole flight.
I slept for the next six hours. Was quite shocked I'd achieved that actually. It was breakfast time and Jake appeared only to have OJ, which he never finished - in fact barely touched.
Read the whole story in
Friday, June 20, 2008
Black Gold: The Story of Oil, Giant

Cheeky Reese

A battle of past and future Mrs. Witherspoons will be going down at this year’s Teen Choice Awards. Current squeeze Jake Gyllenhaal and ex-husband Ryan Phillippe will be battling it out for male actor in a drama. Jake starred in Rendition while Ryan was in Stop-Loss.
WHO DO YOU THINK will win the Battle of Witherspoon — Jake or Ryan?
See more pictures of Reese: source:
Thursday, June 19, 2008
New version of Prince of Persia game
"According to GameDaily, Ubisoft is planning to release another Prince of Persia game next year, one that's not the cel-shaded "reboot" that has yet to be officially named. The game that's planning to ship alongside the Mike Newell directed, Jerry Bruckheimer produced film adaptation of Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time is "essentially" a video game adaptation of the film adaptation of the video game of the same name. Careful, your head may twist clean off if you succumb to the spinning.
It doesn't sound like anything is guaranteed at this point on the game that may feature a polygonal Jake Gyllenhaal and a phoned in voice over performance, but if we know Hollywood and games based on movie licenses, regardless of the source material, I think we're in for a fun ride. Not so much a good video game, but a fun ride".
Triple Play of New Prince Entertainment [GameDaily]
It doesn't sound like anything is guaranteed at this point on the game that may feature a polygonal Jake Gyllenhaal and a phoned in voice over performance, but if we know Hollywood and games based on movie licenses, regardless of the source material, I think we're in for a fun ride. Not so much a good video game, but a fun ride".
Triple Play of New Prince Entertainment [GameDaily]
In good company

Justine works at the cosmetics counter, where the uniformity of long days under fluorescent lights is broken up only by insubordinate public address announcements from her co-worker, Cheryl (Zooey Deschanel).
Justine’s been married for seven years to the oafish Phil (John C.Reilly), but he doesn’t seem to cherish his time with wife anymore, instead rathering to veg out on the coach all day and smoke weed with pal, Bubba (Tim Blake Nelson).
Enter, Holden (Jake Gyllenhaal). New at the retail store, Justine takes an instant shine to the mysterious youngster and finds herself soon caught up in a swirling". Source:
The Tyranny of the Good Girl, the Good Boy
By Margaret Paul, Ph.D.
"We learned to feel a degree of safety by being a good girl, a good boy.
The problem is that, while we may have had some success with this strategy in our childhood homes, this same strategy is now causing our problems in our relationships at work and at home. When we disconnect from our own feelings, we become invisible to ourselves. Others end up treating us the way we treat ourselves, so we become invisible to others as well. As adults, we end up bringing about the very rejection we are trying to avoid, because we are rejecting ourselves".

In Good Company is a movie that begins as a severe treatment of a generational strife, and ends up as a male bonding saga of an old pro (Dennis Quaid), who becomes a father figure and buddy of his young boss (Topher Grace), who happens to be dating his daughter (Scarlett Johansson).
Freudian critics will have a field day with the film, whose first half advocates the killing of the father-patriarch, only to negate it in the second half, and show not only the return and revenge of the father but the reassertion of his modus operandi as a desirable goal. I suspect that if the filmmakers (the Weisz brothers) were to remake The Graduate today, they would have found a way to reconcile between Benjamin (Dustin Hoffman), his parents, and the Robinsons too.
Despite its thematic inconsistencies, In the Company of Men is a generous and enjoyable film that, unlike most Hollywood corporate movies, doesn't neglect the women either.
The amiable film invites the viewers to spend two hours in the good company of vet actor Quaid, emerging star and heartthrob Grace, and the talented Johansson, who's quickly becoming the busiest and most accomplished actress of her generation.
At 51, Dan Foreman (Quaid) is living a good life is good. He's the long-term head of an ads sales at the weekly Sports America, which has just celebrated the magazine's biggest year, thanks in large part to Dan's warm, honest, handshake deal style and the departmental esprit de corps he has fostered.
Carter's zeal to deliver to upper management doesn't win him many fans at Sports America. His bottom-line approach, lacking in the human side, is at odds with the more compassionate Dan and his devotion to his staff.

Rushing to resolve all the tensions in a crowd-pleasing manner, the last reel is formulaic, and viewers familiar with the conventions of romantic comedy will be able to guess how the film ends.

"Business is not financial science, it's about trading.. buying and selling. It's about creating a product or service so good that people will pay for it".
-Anita Roddick.
"You have to have your heart in the business and the business in your heart". -Thomas J. Watson
this is a kind of company modality: PEO, these modern stratege working solutions that are provided by the PEO Companies, such as Staff Leasing:
Elite Business Solutions (EBS), an Administrative Service Organization, provides as its core service an outsourced human resource solution for small to medium sized businesses The core administrative services include; payroll, human resource management, benefits, and loss control.
EBS can help implement the practices necessary to maximize the benefits of our service model, which can help take a growing business to newer levels.
What is Elite Business Solutions service model?
You are assigned a business advisor as your main contact. Your business advisor works with the service team to ensure your needs and expectations are being met.
What is the difference between Elite Business Solutions and a PEO?
A Professional Employer Organization (PEO) provides a standardized human resource management offering to small and medium size businesses through an employment relationship. EBS offers a highly customized human resource management solution for the prudent business owner. EBS takes the one stop-shop approach to the next level by not just working with our clients on the core HR services but on many of the issues businesses face everyday". Source:
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