Why Geek Dudes Rule:
They are generally available.
Other women will tend not to steal them.
They can fix things.
Your parents will love them.
Because they have been so abused and ignored by society, many geeks have gone underground. You may actually know some and just haven't noticed them. They often feel resentful, and misunderstood, and it is important to realize this as you grow closer to them. Don't ever try to force the issue, or make crazy demands that he choose between his computer and you. Remember, his computer has been there for him his whole life; you are a new interloper he hasn't quite grasped yet.
Geek dudes thrive on mystery and love challenges and intellectual puzzles. Don't you consider yourself one? Wouldn't you like a little intellectual stimulation or your own? We thought so".
Source: Ifaq.wap.org/sex/geekguide Jake Gyllenhaal in "Proof".
Joe Gordon-Levitt in "Brick".
Patrick Fugit in "Bickford Schmeckler's Cool Ideas".
Ryan Gosling in "Half Nelson".
Paul Dano in "Little Miss Sunshine".
Matt Damon in "The good Will Hunting".
Topher Grace in "Win a Date".
Geeks are very sexy, aren't they?
that's a pic of Topher Grace being the geek in Win a Date with Tad Hamilton, not Good Company. Those are NOT the glasses Brendon (Joe GL) wore in Brick, they were rimless. Anyone?
Yes, thanks for clarifying it, Jane, welcome to Weirdland!
I confused Topher's characters because his character "In Good company" was also a geek and I haven't watched "Win a date" yet...
and about Brendan, his glasses were rimless, this is just a shot of Joe with Brain's glasses.
Yes, geeks can be quite sexy (alhtough I don't think Jake looked like a geek in "Proof :p)
Jake's character in "Proof" was thought as an emblematic geek, a Math buff, but most of geeks aren't so hot!
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