[...] The burning Social Issue that Rendition is all about is, well, rendition. More specifically, the U.S. government’s practice of “extraordinary rendition,” wherein high level terror suspects are taken off the grid, flown to a friendly country (to the U.S., not to the suspect) with more lax regulations on the use of torture, and interrogated for time-sensitive information. It was started during the Clinton administration and cooked to sinister perfection under Bush, and it’s repugnant and a black eye on the U.S.’s reputation as a force for good. It’s Totalitarian, police state type tactics put to use by the country that outwardly defines itself as being opposed to all things Totalitarian.
The plot of Rendition, in brief: an easy-on-the-eyes, Americanized Muslim played by Omar Metwally is renditioned to “North Africa” after a suicide bombing kills a CIA officer. Reese Witherspoon, playing his pregnant wife, goes to former college friend and

Rendition, then, is a textbook Message Picture. And it’s a very well-crafted one at that. It’s well acted, competently written, and very capably directed. But like all Message Pictures, it’s totally airtight and DOA as a piece of living, breathing art. The Good Intentions and Important Message are hammered at you with typical Oscar-baiting Hollywood subtlety. There’s no room for the audience member to bring anything of their own to the movie. And it's definitely No Fun. Watching Rendition is like getting stuck in a conversation about politics with an overly earnest college student who stridently regurgitates every P.C. trope in the book and screams Bloody Murder if you try liven things up with an off-color remark or a sigh of resignation about the gigantic-ness of the social problem being addressed and the impossibility of solving it with a conversation like this.
It’s possible to imagine a Message Picture that simultaneously succeeds as a movie independent of it’s Good Intentions, but they are rare creatures indeed. Talented filmmakers (such as the

[...] You don’t really need a “tough” two-hour movie to tell you that. The movie isn’t really enjoyable beyond the somewhat pleasing way it panders to your liberal conscience. Going to a movie isn’t going to stop the Bush administration from continuing with this practice: it’ll just make some money for the studio and

That leaves people who don’t know extraordinary rendition is going on…and yet who are likely to go see an “important” movie like this. The size of this group is difficult to gauge. When Kelley Sane started writing the script, it was probably fairly big. But in the two or three years it’s taken for the project to go from concept to a theater near you, the abuses and excesses of the Bush administration are all-too-common knowledge. That’s the danger of making a Hollywood movie ripped straight from the headlines: the typical Hollywood movie takes three years to go from conception to theaters (if it's lucky), and if you’re trying to address specific things in the news, you’ll never be able get there fast enough.
But, okay, there are lots of people who totally ignore current events. The problem is, if you ignore the newspapers enough that you don’t know the Bush administration has been sponsoring torture in our name, it’s unlikely you’re the kind of person who’s going to see Rendition instead of License to Wed, or whatever Lowest Common Denominator film is playing at the multiplexes that weekend. I could be way off, here, and millions of ill-informed American “citizens” will see this movie, rise up in indignation, and put enough pressure on Congress to get Bush impeached. That’d be a case where I’d love to be wrong. But I have serious doubts that will turn out to be the case. So the question remains: Who is Rendition for?" Written by Lance Carmichael, CC2k staff writer Source: Cincity2000
I don't agree with his opinion about political movies,"All The Presidents Men" for example has a strong message but is a brilliant piece of art as well.
I agree with him though about "Rendition"'s prospects at the box office
Some of these "message movies" are predictable, on the other hand I found "Traffic" a very original approach to the drug world with a sober zero sensationalist script by Stephen Gaghan.
I was quite bored by "Traffic" to be honest.
"Good night and good luck" however is one "message" movie I found very entertaining and very well acted
I agree that Good Night and Good Luck was one "message" movie I enjoyed and I felt that I wasn't being "preached" to. I can't wait for Rendition.
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