WEIRDLAND: Maggie replaces Kate Moss

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Monday, July 23, 2007

Maggie replaces Kate Moss

"Maggie Gyllenhaal is to replace Kate Moss as the new face of sexy lingerie firm Agent Provocateur.The SherryBaby star will appear in the first episode of the forthcoming publicity campaign, and two more episodes will follow with as-yet-unnamed stars.

The 29-year-old actress will star in an online short film - when Kate did the same last year, the frenzy of fans logging on to watch her crashed the company's website. The Golden Globe-nominated star, sister to actor Jake Gyllenhaal, is best-known for her quirky role in "Secretary", playing a personal assistant who enjoyed being spanked by her boss.She and actor Peter Sarsgaard have a baby daughter, named Ramona, who was born last October. The couple, who got together after co-starring in low-budget 2003 flick "In God's Hands", are due to marry. Kate's contract expires next month and the new campaign will launch on September 1." Source:

"Kate Moss gets dumped again"

"It's been a tough couple of weeks for Kate Moss.
First she finally calls it a day on her turbulent relationship with Pete Doherty following lurid tales of his infidelity, and now the supermodel has been replaced as the face of Agent Provocateur by a relatively unknown American actress.

And contrary to recent reports British model Daisy Lowe would be the face of the lingerie brand, the task has fallen to Maggie Gylleenhaal - possibly better known for being Jake's older sister."


Anonymous said...

I think it's good news that Kate nad Pete split (if they did split and it's not just rumours).

But I'm not sure about Maggie replacing Kate at the AP ads.Kate was a godess in these ads,she was sexy as hell.
It will be very difficult for Maggie to match that.
Or maybe it's because I'm getting a bit "cold" with her lately :p

Weirdland said...

Why that "coldness" towards Maggie, gr77?

Weirdland said...

Maybe were her opinions about Katie Holmes?

Anonymous said...

No, I don't think she was talking about Katie Holmes in particular in that interview,just about women parts on superheroe movies in general.
I do however think she's a bit of a snob and hypocritical.
Still think she's a great actress though

Weirdland said...

There are things about Maggie I also find irritating, it's a mixed feeling I have sometimes.