Every act of magic consists of three parts: the Pledge, the Turn, and The Prestige. The magician takes the ordinary something, a deck of cards, a bird, or a man, and makes it do something extraordinary. The audience in the theatre needs to see it's indeed real, normal... but it probably isn't. This is the way

Director Christopher Nolan is occasionally ambiguous at a moral level about the conflict between self-respect and respect for others, as in his masterpiece Memento (2000). Many viewers of the film complained about the numerous loose ends the story and its twists left, but my advice would be to try to watch closely and re-tie the knot. On the surface it's another of Nolan's defiant puzzles to watch and ponder about, but I made a trip - not literal - to the obsession which haunts the detached Angier, and I finished this pretense accepting something that makes much more sense to me.
Initially I was surprised about the secondary relevance of the female characters:

Still, it was a crude contrast to the male/female power games thrown by Nolan.

The sci-fi part — when Angier (now auto-nicknamed "The Great Danton" in honour of his deceased wife)

But the ambiguity of Nolan's revelation is as sharp as his magician's minds; pay attention to the painful exchange of dialogue between Alfred and Sarah, when she believed he suffers a split-personality disorder because of his profession and was convinced some days he loved her and other days he didn't,

and also exposed in the familiar retelling from Borden's diary stolen by Olivia for her lover, the notebook Angier tries to decipher ("I want the method, not the keyword. I don't even know if the secret is in your notebook").

The night before Sarah committed suicide, can we believe Borden told her the truth or as I suspect, did he say her he didn't love her that day, lying to her, chocking down his dignity over revealing his prestige? This scene left me awestruck, because there is no distracting trick for real pain.

The sly symmetry between the deaths of Julia and the clone of Angier (both drowned in the water tanks) and between the suicide putting a rope around her neck by Sarah and the death of Borden's twin brother public hanging execution confirm the mastery of Nolan once again.

Both magic stalwarts were two sides of a coin, but Bale's character got ahead ("This is what a good trick costs. Risk. Sacrifice.") and in the end, when Borden shoots Angier (because of the kidnapping of his little daughter by Lord Caldlow) he wants to prove to us he hasn't been fooled by Angier's platonic ideation of magic: "The audience knows the truth, that the world is simple. Miserable. But you could make them wonder."

And my take on the final shot of "The Great Danton" clone ("No one cares about the man inside the box, only about the man who comes outside") is that he is a projection of Borden's fear that maybe his trick wasn't the best after all.
A key quote from "The Prestige": "You want to be fooled because you're looking for the secret but you won't find it because you don't really want to know".
And the key questions of mine would be: Is worth life living without magic? And Is magic worth it without dignity?
It was published today in the TV/Film Video section of Blogcritics.org
Great review, Kendra, you're officially my heroine ;)
Yeah, and ignore those "spoilers- fanatics" out there, they obviously didn't get the irony of your review.
Fantastic review, Kendra, don't let those commenters disturb you. When I watched "The Prestige" 1s time, it seemed to me very confusing, but your explanation is one of the best I've read (and I've read hundreds, I live in Imdb, lol).
Thanks, I will survive.
But you forgot to add London as location!(just joking)
i'll save this review and read it after i see the film.i want to compare my thoughts on it with yours ;)
you forgot to add London
So Sue me ;)
Gr77: I found one "The Prestige" review written in Greek: "Movies for the Masses", needless to say I didn't understand any word.
I understand the greek alphabet/language is not very popular around the world :p)
I know that blog.I'm glad that guy gave 3.5 out of 5 for Prestige.Very few movies get above 3 from him!!
Very few movies get above 3 from him!!
And I thought 3.5 was low! I see he's a guy not easy to please, an usual symptomp of a good cinema critic.
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