"Is Kirsten Dunst trying to drum up interest in the upcoming "Marie Antoinette" by unplugging her piehole about former flame Jake Gyllenhaal? Did Scarlett Johansson once try to lure the dreamy-eyed actor away from her?
The tabloid, in what it trumpets as an "exclusive" interview with Dunst, claims she "opened her heart to talk of the secret sadness" over her now off-again romance with Gyllenhaal.
How open is she? The actress is quoted as revealing that not even "wild sex" ("in cars, in the bathroom and even by the sea") was enough to keep them together.
Titillating stuff, right? There's just one teeny, tiny problem: The interview never took place.
"Clearly this is a fabricated story," Dunst's rep, Stephen Huvane, tells MSN Entertainment. "Kirsten has not given an interview to News of the World and for the most [part] the quotes they list are not hers."
In fact, one of the statements attributed to Dunst, in which she laments the loss of Jake while still clinging to "this whole fairy-tale vision in my head, because I was brought up on movies and storybooks that say I'm going to find my soul mate, get married and have a perfect life," is actually from May 2002, several months before they began dating.
Johansson, meanwhile, is defending her reputation against charges of boyfriend stealing. In an interview with the London Sunday Times, the bombshell thespian rebuffs reports that she attempted to seduce Gyllenhaal away from Dunst a couple of years back.
"False," Scarlett asserts to the paper.
Also untrue, she says (for the umpteenth time), is that oft-told tale of an age-inappropriate elevator encounter with Benicio Del Toro.
"That is what is so crazy about these rumors. Has anyone tried to have sex in an elevator?" the sultry star pragmatically asks. "It would have to be over in 10 seconds."
Source: Msn Entertainment
i hate all these lies/rumors.it's sad that people usually accept them easily as true but rarely beleive the denials.
Yes, it's funny but it's so silly makes me think back my highschool times.
OMG yes I think about sex in elevators all the time! lol.
The article makes me yawn but the pictures are beautiful Kendra!
^^ I love vintage elevators, in all Europe there are old "ascensores" who transport you another epoque jumping into. Some of them, in a "modernist" style, as in Barcelona, are beautiful.
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