“A lot of women that date older men are looking for stability and maturity,” said Alana Beyer, Vice President of It’s Just Lunch. “They want someone that is settled in their career, is a good care-taker and is serious about finding a significant other. Regardless of whether singles are dating someone older or younger 67% think 1-5 years is a practical age difference between couples.”
Of the 18% of men who prefer to date women that are older, 6% admit to having dated a single, older friend of their parents. When asked if they could date an older celebrity, 34% of men said their celebrity of choice would be Annette Benning, another 22% chose Diane Keaton. 62% of women said they would date Harrison Ford.
When asked which younger celebrity they would date,

26% of women chose Orlando Bloom,

24% said Jake Gyllenhaal and another

23% chose Nick Lachey. When posed with the same question,

33% of men said they would date Jessica Alba,

while Scarlett Johansson and

Jessica Simpson came in tied at 21%." Source: FinanceVisor
orlando bloom?i don't get it!!
I'm the webmistress of Lovely & Amazing [ http://www.jakegyllenhaal.zip.net ] and I just stopped by to say we're moving! Please, update the URL on the affiliates page!
[ http://www.jakeg.fan-sites.org ]
Thanks a lot.
Thanks for the warning, Nathália! Right now I'm gonna make the link change, glad to keep in your company of Jake's orbit ;)
I don't get Orlando's appeal either, gr77. Only in a few pictures I find him a real "beau".
Orlando is gorgeous, sexy, kind and most of all a true gentleman.
Seems a strange way to celebrate National 'Singles' Week, pontificating on all this relationship information about who wants to be with who..?
U think?
Don't worry, Emma, maybe someday we bloggers should write a catastrophist essay about blogger, hackers and lost passwords. I haven't changed Jake Weird to Beta version in cause of deep fear. I'll fix your link.
Vanz: I concur it's a strange thing to celebrate being single if you're rooting for a date. Reading these stats makes me feel that I've dated too little...
It's just whatever's popular publicly isn't it though? People just say the first star's name that they think of that's likeable. If they really knew these people they might not be as keen.
Not that there's anything wrong with them but the HW lifestyle is very different from regular people's lives. I think it would be tough to date a star and stay sane!
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