WEIRDLAND: Jakey and Jimmy

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Monday, September 18, 2006

Jakey and Jimmy

I really think Jake is like our James Dean in many aspects nowadays, and I think of Kirsten Dunst as the grunge version of Pier Angeli.


Emma said...

I was adoring the eye candy... then I saw Miss Dunst. Bah.

Weirdland said...
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Weirdland said...

Mystic, I'm gonna make by now one last Jakey/Jimmy comparison, and without Miss Dunst this time.

Amazing, "sweetie"stone, that you would choose Jake over mythical James Dean! The woman, italo-american actress Pier Angeli was supposedly the true love of James Dean, although she was somewhat forced by her mom to marry singer Vic Damone. She starred with Lana Turner in "The flame and the flesh" (Richard Brooks, 1954) and then with Paul Newman in "Somebody Up There Likes Me" (Robert Wise, 1956). Jimmy had met her while his filming "East of Eden". Pier Angeli committed suicide in 1971.

And I also flip with Kirsten changing hair colors/styles and her bonnets, Simon.

Weirdland said...

Oh, my Montgomery Clift, during many years you know, gr77s, he was my favourite, he outweighed James Dean, and by then Jake was only a youngster for me. Even Ang Lee compared Jake to Monty! I may be the biggest fan of Perce Howland (The Misfits -John Houston). I am very struck with Monty Clift's ambiguous sexuality aura.

Weirdland said...

and of course Kirsten is lovely!!

gr77, I wish you are a girl.

Weirdland said...

Dani, I totally melt when I remember what Montgomery mussitated in that impecably conflicted voice to Liz Taylor's character: "I love you. I've loved you since the first moment I saw you. I guess maybe I've even loved you before I saw you." I don't know why but it always reminds me of "The good girl" scene when Justine reads the letter written by Holden: "I've not been able to get rid of you in my head. I've never wanted anything so bad and I have wanted many things."
Yes, Anne would be a fine choice, Emmy Rossum or some brunette with a classic profile.

And, about Jimmy age, remember "The drowning pool" or "The slap shot" when Paul Newman was on his 50's, and he was so freaking hot? His loss was really a tragedy to cinema industry/millions people's fantasies.

Anonymous said...

kendra..yes i'm a girl and not jealous at all of beautifull girls like kirsten ;)

you've killed me with the "a place in the sun" reference..monty and elizabeth looked more gorgeous than ever.
i love monty's sad eyes in that film.

Weirdland said...

Hey, gr77, stay tuned, soon I'll make a Monty/Jake serie!

Anonymous said...

i'd love to see that :)