Monday, September 11, 2006

Sherrybaby Review

Reviewed by Owen Gleiberman:

"In Sherrybaby, the emotionally arresting new independent feature written and directed by Laurie Collyer, Maggie Gyllenhaal plays a young New Jersey woman who's a recently released convict, a recovering junkie, and — more than that — a totally annoying dim-bulb narcissist. Yet from the opening of the movie, she has you hanging on her every word and gesture. Blond and beaming, she speaks in a slack, dazed little-girl voice — the sound of a burnout looking for the next sensation — that makes her sullen sexuality seem an eruption from within. Sherry believes in her willowy body and not much else. She's a cherry-bomb hellion who never grew up; she wants and wants, and gives too little in return. Yet Maggie Gyllenhaal is such a miracle of an actress that she makes you respond to the innocence of Sherry's desperate, selfish destruction. I was gripped by the way that she holds a cigarette, her two fingers stretched out in a girl's rigid notion of ''maturity,'' and by the way her head dips slightly, with sulky sensuality, like something out of an old Cyndi Lauper video. You may not like the character — you'd be deluded if you did — yet your heart opens up and bleeds for her.
Gyllenhaal has a great scene in which Sherry embarrasses her family by singing the Bangles' ''Eternal Flame'' at a dinner party, yet what makes it powerful is that we can see that she's been doing this ever since she was a girl, when it was probably charming. Gyllenhaal never lets you forget the damaged child, the baby, under Sherry's jaded facade. The movie ultimately shows you how she got that way, but it never lets her off the hook. Danny Trejo, as the hulking dude who befriends Sherry at a recovery meeting, has a marvelous been-around-the-block tenderness, yet even he can't ''save'' her.
No one but Sherry can, and watching her try, fail, and try again makes for one of the most authentic, and moving, journeys the movies have offered this year."
Read Full article

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Jake and James part I

"Only the gentle are ever really strong." -James Dean quote.
"Usually, the action's moving so fast, you don't get the opportunity to see the psychology, really.” -Jake Gyllenhaal.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Olympique Jake

No doubt Jake is the official enemy of sedentary lifestyle dangers.

Martha's Vineyard Beach

"The world is turnin',
I hope it don't turn away,
The world is turnin',
I hope it don't turn away.
All my pictures are fallin'
from the wall where
I placed them yesterday.
The world is turnin',
I hope it don't turn away.

I need a crowd of people,
but I can't face them
day to day,
I need a crowd of people,
but I can't face them
day to day.
Though my problems
are meaningless,
that don't make them
go away.
I need a crowd of people,
but I can't face them
day to day.

I went to the radio interview,
but I ended up alone
at the microphone,
I went to the radio interview,
but I ended up alone
at the microphone.
Now I'm livin'
out here on the beach,
but those seagulls are
still out of reach.
I went to the radio interview,
but I ended up alone
at the microphone.

Get out of town,
think I'll get out of town,
Get out of town,
think I'll get out of town.
I head for the sticks
with my bus and friends,
I follow the road,
though I don't know
where it ends.
Get out of town, get out of town,
think I'll get out of town.

'Cause the world is turnin',
I don't want to
see it turn away."
"On the Beach" -Neil Young

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Newman Style

"I love to cook, I am obsessed with cooking magazines." [Vitals Magazine] -Jake Gyllenhaal.
"The star of oil and vinegar and the oil and vinegar of the stars."
"The embarrassing thing is that the salad dressing is outgrossing my films."
"I'm a supporter of gay rights. And not a closet supporter either. From the time I was a kid, I have never been able to understand attacks upon the gay community. There are so many qualities that make up a human being... by the time I get through with all the things that I really admire about people, what they do with their private parts is probably so low on the list that it is irrelevant."
-Paul Newman quotes.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006