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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Top 10 Most Profitable Actresses

Hilary Swank and Emile Hirsch at "Milk" Premiere in Los Angeles Afterparty, 2008.

10. Hilary Swank
In addition to earning two Oscars, Swank has proven herself to be a good investment with movies like P.S. I Love You. The romance (which cost an estimated $30 million) earned $157 million at the worldwide box office. Swank is expected to earn yet another Oscar nomination for her upcoming film Amelia, in which she plays the iconic aviator Amelia Earhart. For every $1 Swank was paid, her films earned an average of $23.

Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal in "Brokeback Mountain".

9. Anne HathawayThe 26-year-old actress is one of the youngest on our list. Hathaway earned a Best Actress nomination for her work in Rachel Getting Married last year but because the movie only ever opened on 390 screens, we didn’t include it in our survey. Instead she makes the list for movies like Get Smart, which earned $230 million at the worldwide box office. For every $1 Hathaway was paid, her movies earned an average of $23.

Jake Gyllenhaal and Jennifer Aniston in "The Good Girl".

6. Jennifer Aniston
The most successful of the former Friends stars, Aniston is a regular on the red carpet and in the tabloids, where her romances are endlessly speculated about. Recently she’s had some pretty successful movies too. He’s Just Not That Into You and Marley & Me helped improve her ROI, which had been slipping due to duds like Rumor Has It. For every $1 Aniston was paid, her movies earned an average of $26.

5. Meryl Streep
Streep earns a bigger paycheck than most women on our list, but thanks to the massive box office of last summer’s Mamma Mia ($610 million), she also offers a good return on investment. Her latest film, Julie & Julia, came out too late to make our list but the movie’s $96 million in earnings (so far) should help her remain one of Hollywood’s most desirable actresses. For every $1 Streep was paid, her movies earned an average of $27.Natalie Portman with Jake Gyllenhaal at 9th Annual Kids for Kids Celebrity Carnival, on 28th April 2002, NY.

4. Natalie Portman
Thanks to her work in the new Star Wars movies, Portman has appeared in some of the highest-earning films of all time. But she ranks on our list because of movies like The Other Boleyn Girl, which earned $78 million at the worldwide box office. Like many of the actresses on our list, Portman appears in her fair share of art films, like 2007’s little-seen Paris J’Taime. For every $1 Portman was paid, her films earned an average of $28.

3. Rachel McAdamsThanks to films like The Notebook and this year’s The Time Traveler’s Wife, McAdams is quickly becoming the go-to actress for romantic movies. Despite her rising profile, McAdams still commands a relatively modest paycheck. This winter she’ll star opposite Robert Downey Jr. in an update of Sherlock Holmes. For every $1 McAdams was paid, her movies earned an average of $30.

Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Connelly in "Blood Diamond".

2. Jennifer Connelly
February’s He’s Just Not That Into You helped several actresses, including Connelly, with their ROI numbers because each star took a pay cut to appear in the ensemble comedy, which earned $177 million at the worldwide box office. Connelly’s work in The Day The Earth Stood Still and Blood Diamond helped her take second place. For every $1 Connelly was paid, her films earned an average of $41.
1. Naomi WattsThe 41-year-old Australian actress first made her mark with 2002’s The Ring. The low-budget horror film earned $250 million at the worldwide box office and put Watts in demand. For the most part the actress has kept a low profile, appearing mostly in artsy fare like last year’s Funny Games. But thanks to 2005’s King Kong, her average return on investment is the best in Hollywood. For every $1 Watts was paid, her films earned an average of $44". Source:

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Kristen Stewart & Rob Pattinson: Vampiric Chemistry

Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson - Vanity Fair photoshoot outtakes.
"So how does Kristen Stewart feel about kissing Hollywood's hottest vampire? "He has the thickest beard", she told PEOPLE last year after shooting scenes with her Twilight costar Robert Pattinson. "You didn't notice until five minutes afterwards, and then you're like, 'Oh, wow. I think I'm bleeding. I think I'm totally raw". Still, don't expect her to call for a stunt double.
"He's British. He's tall. He always looks like he's thinking about something. And he's quite witty", she said. "So he's pretty sexy."
The feeling is mutual. Officially they're just pals, but even a member of the undead would feel the heat between Stewart, 19, and Pattinson, 23. Still, Stewart has been an elusive quarry. "Rob has been after Kristen since they started filming" the series two years ago, says a production source. After wrapping sequel New Moon in May, the pair spent the early summer on different coasts: she in L.A. filming The Runaways, portraying Joan Jett; he in New York City filming the indie drama Remember Me. But in August they'll reunite to film Eclipse, the third film based on the Twilight books, and friends wonder if their flirtation can blossom into full-fledged romance. "He's a total ladies' man", says a source. "She's unattainable, and that makes her attractive to him."Emile Hirsch and Kristen Stewart in "Into the wild" (2007).

He auditioned after seeing the L.A.-bred former child star (she was Jodie Foster's daughter in 2002's Panic Room) in her sultry turn in 2007's Into the Wild. "She's basically the reason I did the movie", he said last year. "When I got in the room with Kristen, there was a certain chemistry."
Kristen Stewart sitting between Michael Welch and Taylor Lautner in "New Moon" (2009).

Set sources say the romantic tension between Pattinson and Stewart grew over time, despite concerns about mixing love and work. "Kristen is hard to read and very dry. She was the one person whose attention Rob couldn't get", says a source. Since New Moon wrapped, both actors have kept low social profiles. Despite rumors linking him to costar Emilie de Ravin, Pattinson spent his free time with male pals at hipster bars such as Black & White. "Fame came to him very unexpectedly", says an old friend. "He's a really down-to-earth guy who is shy.""She's the one girl he can't get", says a source. That doesn't mean he won't try. Asked by Ryan Seacrest last year if he could fall for his costar, the fanged heartthrob seemed ready to take a bite: "Oh, yeah—she's amazing!" Source:

Twilight New Moon star Robert Pattinson says girls love his vampire character, Edward, and not him.

"Taking Woodstock" in Blu-ray

"Focus Features and Ang Lee's historical comedy Taking Woodstock starring Demetri Martin, Eugene Levy, Emile Hirsch, Liev Schreiber, Imelda Staunton and Dan Fogler is coming to Blu-ray Disc and DVD on December 15.

Universal is packaging Taking Woodstock on Blu-ray Disc with a 1.85:1 1080p transfer, 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio, as well as BD-Live and My Scenes Sharing support.

The Blu-ray edition will additionally benefit from a pair of exclusive features part of the complete list of supplements as follows:

Deleted Scenes (BD exclusive)
More Deleted Scenes
No Audience Required - The Earth Light Players: Dan Fogler gives viewers an inside look at who the Earth Light Players were and how their spirit influenced their cinematic recreation. (BD exclusive)
Peace, Love and Cinema: The fate of the world's most famous concert was in jeopardy until a man most have never heard of made a phone call. See how Focus Features combined humor and a lot good vibes to bring 1969 back to life. Featuring interviews with James Shamus, Ang Lee, Demetri Martin, Liev Schreiber, Emile Hirsch and Eugene Levy.
Commentary with director Ang Lee and writer James Schamus".

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Jake & Kristen Stewart: hair and lip action

Jake Gyllenhaal, on 17th May 2006 - Leaving Sprinkles Cupcakes In Beverly Hills (and biting his lower lip).Jake caressing his hair in "Dazed and confused" mag.
Robert Pattinson - Virgin Blue Voyeur magazine scans, October 2009.
Kristen Stewart has two gestural tics that all we know: tossing her hair and biting her lower lip (see video featuring her overusing of lip biting below):

Kristen gets off on biting her lip - a lot. In just about every movie shes in, she's constantly chomping down on her pretty pink mouth. We've seen her do it in interviews too, so it must just be some strange habit KStew can't kick.
Kristen Stewart - Matt Jones photoshoot outtake.
Emile Hirsch with Woody Harrelson at "Milk" Premiere in Los Angeles Afterparty 2008.Taylor Lautner in GQ magazine. Clive Owen.Dakota Fanning.Josh Hartnett.Elisha Cuthbert.Lindsay Lohan.Emilie de Ravin.

"Uncertainty" trailer

Trailer for UNCERTAINTY. The film stars 500 DAYS OF SUMMER's Joseph Gordon-Levitt, WOLVERINE’s Lynn Collins and JUNO’s Olvia Thirlby, and follows a young couple (Levitt and Collins) who make a life decision based on a coin flip.

Now what I believe happens next is two separate stories of different events had they decided to live in Manhattan (they find a cell phone worth $500K that causes them to get shot at) or Brooklyn (Collins gets pregnant and they have to decide what to do with the baby). It’s an interesting concept, but seems like two completely different movies forcibly mashed together.