"If Heath Ledger wins the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor on Feb. 22, his family will accept the award on his behalf, Dark Knight director Christopher Nolan told EW.com at the DGA Awards Saturday night. Nolan accepted Ledger's Golden Globe award on Jan. 8, and Ledger's Dark Knight costar Gary Oldman took the stage on behalf of the young actor at the SAG Awards on Jan. 25. Nolan did not elaborate on which members of Ledger's family would accept should Ledger win, but previous family statements have been made by Ledger's father, Kim, mother, Sally, and older sister Kate, and it's possible all three would step to the front of the Kodak on Oscar night". Source: hollywoodinsider.ew.com
"You may remember that Christian Bale went nuts on the set of "Terminator Salvation" a few months back, threatening to stop production and beat some serious ass.
The incident was audiotaped, and it's amazing. It happened on the set after a director of photography accidentally ruined a scene by walking onto the set. Bale lost it, screaming, yelling and threatening to quit if the bosses didn't fire the dude.
Film execs sent the tape to the insurance company that insured the film in case Bale bailed." Source: www.tmz.com Christian Bale flipped out and I remixed it.
"Award fates didn't seem to matter Friday night as Fincher, just back from the Japanese launch of his movie, clearly had the Arlington crowd in the palm of his hand, even doing an amusing impression of his "Zodiac" cinematographer Harris Savides and another time jumping excitedly out of his chair to make a point. Unlike Rourke he watched all the film segments including a killer reel of his commercial and music video work. Seeing all his career achievements in one fell swoop like this proves Fincher really is the master director of the moment with consistently spectacular work in "Seven", "Panic Room", "Fight Club" and the one-two punch of "Benjamin Button" and "Zodiac", a March 2007 release that Oscar voters seemed to forget". His "Zodiac" star Jake Gyllenhaal made a special appearance to praise Fincher as did "Button's" Oscar-nominated Supporting Actress Taraji P. Henson". Source: latimesblogs.latimes.com
"Barack Obama has granted the CIA permission to continue carrying out the controversial Bush-era practice of extraordinary rendition, it has emerged.
And he did so just two days after becoming president and vowing to dismantle his predecessor's war on terror.
As the new U.S. President issued orders shutting down the American military prison at Guantanamo Bay and fought to show the Muslim world that 'America is not your enemy', it was revealed that the renditions programme may even be expanded.
Under executive orders signed by Mr Obama on January 22, two days after his inauguration, the CIA still has the authority to carry out renditions - secret abductions and transfers of prisoners to countries that cooperate with the United States. It even became the subject of a Hollywood film starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Reese Witherspoon.But despite the controversy surrounding the secretive practice, Mr Obama appears to have decided it was the one component of Mr Bush's war on terror that it must keep.
'Obviously you need to preserve some tools - you still have to go after the bad guys,' an Obama administration official told the LA Times.
'The legal advisors working on this looked at rendition. It is controversial in some circles and kicked up a big storm in Europe. But if done within certain parameters, it is an acceptable practice.'Source: www.dailymail.co.uk
"Rendition and temporary detention are tools in that effort - tools that now need to be as closely monitored and assessed as they were once recklessly abused". Source: andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com
"Jennifer Aniston has snubbed a record-breaking $4 million offer–including a percentage deal that could have brought the price to $10 million–to recreate her nude January 2009 GQ cover photo for men’s mag giant Playboy.Playboy approached the former Friends star after the recent photoshoot, in which she posed in her birthday suit except for an appropriately placed necktie". Source: www.popcrunch.com
"In response to complaints that she has gotten for her increasingly frumpy appearance, Kirsten Dunst confessed that she actually "couldn't care less" about the way she looks.
"I don't have the energy to care if people criticize the way I look", the 26 year-old actress tells Britain's OK!. "I'm over getting dressed up, although it's fun sometimes -- like when my younger brother Christian and I got ready together to go to the Oscars. But other than that, though, I couldn't care less. Being fun is way better than being beautiful. I would rather entertain people." Dunst is expected to reprise her role as Mary Jane Watson in Spider-Man 4.Source: www.radaronline.com
“So many people are making stories about heroes, I make the stories about perverts,” he commented. When asked by Hammond how does he feel after viewing his body of work, Fincher said, “I wonder if I should be in therapy more.”
A humble, bright, and funny guy, Fincher charmed the Santa Barbara audience with his wit and humor. In final remarks by actor Jake Gyllenhaal, he said, “I want to tell you a secret about David Fincher. He has a big brain and a big heart.” (we could tell!) Kudos to another outstanding artist to feature at the Film Festival! Source: www.edhat.com