A musical video dedicated to the beautiful actress Kristen Stewart. Songs "Angel dressed in black" by Warren Zevon, and part of "Bad luck blue eyes goodbye" by The black Crowes.
"Like Ledger, who told a Canadian newspaper, 'I'll be... wrangling cattle, and Jake Gyllenhaal', the actor has kept his sense of humour about what inevitably has been dubbed, 'the gay-cowboy movie'. After watching them give each other 'the best, western, macho kiss', Lee wryly advised, 'When you kiss a girl, you can never kiss that hard.' He also remembers that for a scene in which Ledger's real-life girlfriend, Michelle Williams, playing his wife, would see them similarly kissing, the actress 'wanted them to do it to really inspire her reaction shot, and they're sort of necking at each other, and she yelled at them, "Come on guys, for real." Source: www.guardian.co.uk
"Robert Pattinson might look like the best kisser on the planet but he wasn't at all confident when he kissed Kristen Stewart for the first time.
The Twilight megastar told Seventeen magazine: "It's terrifying. Especially when you kiss and you've got to do it at a weird angle orsomething."
"But I'm skirting the answer because I'm a really bad kisser."
"That's why I don't want to go into details!"
You would think that Robert Pattinson would have kissed lots of girls but the 22-year-old seems to have had a relatively girl-free past.
He explains: "(I hadn't) kissed anyone for awhile before the movie, so I'd kind of forgotten how!"
Among all the good purposes we can think of this New Year, there are these heartfelt wishes of Hope for Congo by Emile Hirsch:
Dear Friends,
"This summer I was given the opportunity to travel to eastern Congo with Oxfam, and will never forget the haunting images I saw. Internally displaced persons at the IDP camps, children without homes, and horrific stories from the women and young girls, all of whom have been affected by a violent conflict that has proven the deadliest on Earth since World War II. I came back to the United States with an overwhelming feeling that it is up to us all as good citizens of humanity to reach across the world and do what we can to stop these atrocities.
In September, I joined a panel discussion in New York City about the conflict in DR Congo sponsored by the Enough Project. By sharing my story about the trip, I felt I could be a part of the movement to raise awareness about the effects of the conflict on women and girls. One by one the panelists spoke and I saw each story affect the audience in a profound way. We all must do more. First I’m going to sign the RAISE Hope for Congo petition to the future president of the United States, and email my friends to sign it as well. I’m going to encourage media to cover the RAISE Hope for Congo campaign, and work with John Prendergast, and his team at the Enough Project to think of new and creative ways to spread the word".Source: www.raisehopeforcongo.org
The grey beanie or the white beanie? which suits Jake better? "Lovebirds Jake Gyllenhaal and Reese Witherspoon spend the final day of 2008 going shopping together at Santa Monica Farmer’s Market in Los Angeles on Wednesday (December 31).
Jake, 28, and Reese, 32, were joined by his screenwriter mother Naomi Foner. You can see Jake checking out the Japanese cucumbers". Source: Justjared.buzznet.com