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Friday, October 17, 2008

Alpha Dog video and couples

A musical video featuring some scenes from the movie "Alpha Dog" (2006), based on true events, directed by Nick Cassavetes, starring Emile Hirsch, Anton Yelchin and Ben Foster.
Songs "Never understand" and "Hit" by The Jesus & Mary Chain.

COVER GIRLS: If Emile Hirsch is the Alpha Dog, does that make you the Alpha bitch?
OLIVIA WILDE: [Laughs] So many people have made the Alpha bitch connection that I was wondering when it was gonna…umm, yeah, okay. Well, to turn that into a serious question: I do think there was something cool about that relationship, between Emile and myself, where if he was the powerful guy, I was his equal. For some reason, he got all these guys to do what he wanted, even though they're not weak people. The only person he doesn't have power over is this girl, me. So in that sense, yeah—if he's the Alpha Dog then I'm the Alpha bitch.

Kirsten Dunst and Ben Foster dated and split over the shooting of "Get over it" (2001):
"I don't wanna get depressed at the opening of my film, but I will say that I'm not over it - it happened not that long ago and it was sad and kinda depressing. "I don't get involved with that many guys, so it's heavy when that happens."
"Having been unlucky in love in the past, Kirsten was excited about what the future would hold for her romance with the actor. She had earlier said, "It's hard for me to truly connect with people. So when it clicks it's amazing. I can't go just halfway. "Maybe I'm a weird girl and I just needed a good freak to match with me. I don't fall in love with every one of my co-stars. It's nice to have those sparks because that's what makes it magical on screen." Source:
And we know which was another important break-up for Kirsten (after moving from Foster), don't we?
"they're confirming to Us Magazine the rumor that Kirsten's break-up with Jake Gyllenhaal led to her current stint in rehab. Jake didn't dig Kirsten's partying and, when he split, she started hitting the bottle like a champ:

"Whenever the cast and crew were out, she was the center of the group – doing shots and encouraging everyone to drink," a source on her upcoming movie How to Lose Friends & Alienate People told Us. "There was no such thing as 'just the one' for her." Source:

Ben Foster played a phsycho L.A. drug dealer in "Alpha Dog": Jake Mazursky, rival of Johnny Truelove (Emile Hirsch). Ben Foster and Ellen Page acted together in "X-Men: The Last Stand" (2006) and they were holding hands at the premiere.Anton Yelchin flirted in Alpha Dog -in the kitchen and in a swiming pool- with Amanda Seyfried ("Mamma Mia", "Jennifer's Body") although at the premieres, she was accompanied by Emile Hirsch.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Twilight: Haunting Me (Edward/Bella)

Robert Pattinson and Kirsten Stewart in "Twilight".

More pics of Robert Pattinson (talented, witty and still low-key actor) - his big blue eyes and cute lips remind me a bit of Jake:Let's compare Robert with Michael Cera too:

Kirsten and Jen at Glamour Reel Moments

"Dunst recently denied speculation her party-loving lifestyle was to blame for her stay at the Cirque Lodge Treatment Center in Utah in February, insisting she was treated for depression and not an addiction to drugs and alcohol.

She said: 'I didn't go to Cirque Lodge for alcohol abuse or drug abuse. I went there for depression.

‘I was struggling and I had the opportunity to go somewhere and take care of myself. I was fortunate to have the resources to do it.’ Her decision to seek help followed the breakdown of her relationship with Razorlight frontman Johnny Borrell.

The pair split in August 2007 after an intense six-month relationship, which was reportedly the catalyst for her downward spiral". Source:

Kirsten with Jennifer Anniston, Rita Wilson, Demi Moore and Courteney Cox at Glamour "Reel Moments 2008", The Directors Guild Of America, Los Angeles, on 14th October.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Jake is very supportive

"Reese Witherspoon has only one thing to say about boyfriend Jake Gyllenhaal. The very reserved star says the actor is "very supportive."
Gracing the cover of the November issue of Vogue magazine, the 32-year-old actress says she is happy and lucky in life.
When asked about Gyllenhaal, Witherspoon told the magazine, "He's very supportive."
"Suffice it to say, I'm very happy in life, and I'm very lucky to have a lot of really supportive people around me who care very much for me, and, you know, that's all you can hope for in life."

"I am very blessed in that way."

Read the Vogue article about Reese.

Vogue Diaries Reese Witherspoon Video:

Reese Witherspoon (Lover)

I hope you enjoy this video-montage with images of Reese
(and a few of Jake too!), it's a bit excruciating to prepare a video dedicated to the present Jake's partner, and finding yourself admiring Reese's natural beauty, finesse and talent, feeling jealous but delighted by her litheness. I'm sure Reese is going to be hard to top for futures hypothetical partners of Jake.
Here some smart quotes from Reese:

"I have cellulite. I have stretch marks. I feel intimidated by Victoria's Secret".

"I don't believe in perfection. I don't think there is such a thing. But the energy of wanting things to be great is a perfectionist energy".

"I think movies are great and I have a great time making them but they're not what keeps you warm at night, or what's ultimately the most important thing in anyone's life journey".

"Confidence is everything in this business".

"I'm just chatty. But I do express my opinion".

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

"Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist" soundtrack

Listen to the soundtrack of "Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist"!

10 Movie couples

1. "Kate Winslet and Jim Carrey: Forget Kate and Leo; we want to see Kate and Jim together again. “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” is one of the few movies we’ve seen Jim Carrey in that hasn’t made us want to claw our eyes out. In fact, Carrey was downright charming, something we’re pretty sure he needs Winslet to pull off. So, what are they waiting for?2. Winona Ryder and Johnny Depp: Surely there’s enough water under the bridge for these two, who broke their engagement in the early '90s, to reunite on the big screen again. They were perfectly sweet and enchanting together in the 1990 movie “Edward Scissorhands” and the sight of those big, soulful eyes they both share is enough to elicit a deep sigh from even the most stoic.
3. Angela Bassett and Laurence Fishburne: They steamed things up together in the 1993 Tina Turner biography, “What's Love Got to Do with It?”, earning Bassett an Academy Award and a Golden Globe, and Fishburne his first Oscar nomination. Fishburne has stated about Bassett: "An electrifying thing happens when the two of us work together. I haven’t experienced it with anyone else.” We experience it, too, Laurence. And we want more. 4. Brad and Angelina: So iconic as a couple, they don’t even need last names, but as Mr. and Mrs. Smith in the 2005 movie of the same name, the sexiest couple alive proved to viewers exactly why they belong together. The chemistry between them is palpable, and watching them together, most of us don’t know whom to envy more — her for getting to kiss him, or him for kissing her.
5. Scarlett Johansson and Bill Murray: Le sigh! Has there been a more bittersweet love story in recent cinematic history than between these two in “Lost in Translation”? While we love Bill Murray is nearly anything in which he appears, Scarlett Johansson’s luster just isn’t as shiny without him by her side. Together, they have a chemistry that is more kindred spirit than hot passion, a connection we yearn to see more of in this day of gratuitous sex overload.
6. Meryl Streep and Dustin Hoffman: Sure, they played a couple in the middle of a divorce and nasty custody battle in the 1979 film, “Kramer vs. Kramer,” but the tenderness between them — not to mention the amazing Academy Award-winning acting — is something we need more of today. Plus, they’ve both had such impressive careers in the nearly 30 years since, we think there’s a great chance to catch lightning in a jar again if these two were to ever reunite on-screen.
7. Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes: On their own — or with other people — neither of these two thespians are the most likable on our list, but together, as they were in the 1996 remake of “Romeo and Juliet,” they’re totally captivating. Gone are all signs of the pretensiousness we’ve come to expect from Danes in her more recent movies, and DiCaprio’s over-acting is diluted to tolerable measure with his co-star’s sweet subtlety. 8. Geena Davis and Susan Sarandon: They weren’t a romantic couple, but in “Thelma and Louise,” the mother of all chick flicks, Davis and Sarandon reignited Girl Power and proved that sometimes the deepest love is platonic in nature.
9. Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal: Sadly, we know this is a coupling we won’t ever get to see again, but since this is a fantasy list after all, we couldn’t pass up the chance to gush about these two together. Watching Heath and Jake roll around in the hay in “Brokeback Mountain” proved to us that guy-on-guy action? So effing hot.
10. Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling: You didn’t think we’d write a list of our favorite movie couples without mentioning these two, did you? Tender, passionate, and deeply romantic, McAdams and Gosling in “The Notebook” simultaneously break our hearts and give us reason to believe in love. We’d be thrilled to see them together again on-screen and in real life".


More Paparazzis

Jake trying to hide from paparazzis.
On 5th August, 2008. Reese Witherspoon was shopping at Robertson Boulevard, Los Angeles. Paparazzis questioned her if Jake had proposed her marriage.
Another actor who can't stand paparazzis, Michael Cera:

"Filmmakers love Michael Cera. Peers respect him. And girls want to marry him. So what's next? Frankly, he's thinking of quitting.After breaking out at 15 as George Michael on Fox's Emmy-winning cult sitcom Arrested Development, Cera hit the jackpot last year playing sensitive young funnymen in Superbad and Juno. His first foray into leading-man territory — the low-budget teen comedy Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist — just banked a respectable $11.3 million in its opening weekend. And he's already shot lead roles in two more promising titles for next year — Harold Ramis' Year One with Jack Black, and the literary adaptation Youth in Revolt. Now the Ontario native insists that he's taking the rest of the year off, and that he'll be thinking long and hard about whether he should put the brakes on his career.

Yes, Cera's serious. This isn't just another example of his famously bone-dry wit. ''I'll definitely slow down,'' he says over breakfast at a Manhattan hotel restaurant that serves him the apple juice he orders in a wineglass. ''I have a movie lined up for early next year [Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, directed by Shaun of the Dead's Edgar Wright], and then nothing after that. I'll just take it step by step, I guess.''It's the other stuff that comes with the job that's starting to get to him. Cera started to feel ''vulnerable,'' he says, after Superbad grossed $121 million last summer. As his costar Jonah Hill puts it, ''One day things were normal for us, and then the next day the movie opened, and things kinda changed completely.''
One year later, Cera still isn't comfortable with the paparazzi at red-carpet events (''They're so aggressive and really mean''), with people eye-balling him on the street (''I was always self-conscious, and feeling like you're being looked at just amplifies that feeling — you get paranoid''), and with haters who rag on him on Web message boards (''People are crazy'').

But is it really possible that all the annoying celebrity parts of the job could be enough to make him stop acting? ''Yeah, I think so,'' Cera says. ''Acting's not something I need to live, by any means. So I'll just see how it goes. I definitely don't think I wanna star in movies, if...'' His voice trails off. ''I like acting, but I'd like to start doing smaller parts, I guess, where I could just kind of relax and not have to worry about it too much. That'd be fun.''

Cera knows people don't like to hear actors complaining about fame. ''You get very little sympathy for it,'' he says. ''I don't wanna change because of other people,'' he says. ''I wanna be myself still, and I don't think I need to toughen up. It'd be weird to be comfortable with [celebrity]. But I won't drive myself crazy or have a nervous breakdown. I'll just deal with it.'' Source:

Some pictures of key places in Brampton, a suburb of Toronto, Ontario, where Michael Cera grew up:
The Train Station in Brampton.
The Gage Park lights, Brampton.The Rose Theatre, Brampton.

Kirsten Dunst at Brasserie Lipp, Paris

Kirsten Dunst stepped outside of Brasserie Lipp restaurant in Paris for a little nicotine break with a few friends (October 5, 2008). Kate Bosworth and James Rousseau were spotted last night among many other stars in Paris for Fashion Week, the couple hit up Brasserie Lipp. Watch the video below: