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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

In Culver City

Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal in Culver City after stopping by Caffe LUXXE on Montana for coffees, on 25th May, 08. Pictures by

Monday, May 26, 2008

"Hard Candy" (Some Candy Talking)

"The power of Hard Candy lies in the fact that it makes you think rather than frightens you, and that for all of its 104 minutes runtime, you are wondering just who is playing who here.

Hayley is determined to wrench the truth out of Jeff, but her actions show that she has made up her mind long before meeting with him and that she is already convinced of his guilt. Hayley’s fortitude is more about justification for her actions than about actual fact-finding. And Jeff may be a dodgy guy, but both Hayley and the audience can never be sure of just how dodgy he truly is. It is never clarified if Jeff is actually guilty of anything, or merely feels guilty for desiring something he knows is wrong. The audience is left to make up their own minds, and opinions willsurely vary. One of Hard Candy’s strengths is that it in no way sexualises Hayley’s behaviour; yet in terms of the cruelties she inflicts, her unambiguous intentions and calculated actions are those of a grown-up. Hayley is fully aware of the consequences of her acts, deliberately aiming for those consequences even. Wilson (excellent in Angels in America and underplayed in The Phantom of the Opera) keeps Jeff sympathetic yet ambivalent. Jeff’s intentions are never clear, anything he says and does can be interpreted at least two ways. Wilson keeps the viewer guessing if Jeff is telling the truth (when he conveys a childhood memory, for instance) or just doing anything to escape the degradation Hayley imposes on him. The two actors are fully committed, and have good chemistry (that ever elusive quality, which can never be predicted) between them. Hard Candy suggests that, when exposed to extreme circums-
tances, people become what they are meant to deter from. By holding him over the abyss, Hayley may have created a monster out of a fairly decent guy, and unleashed in herself an inner demon that she’ll not be able to put back into its cage".


Trying low profile

May 24th. Jake and Reese Witherspoon get lunch in LA. The couple tried to keep a low profile with hoods up in the LA rain. May 24th - Jake & Reese Outside the Katsuya Restaurant In Brentwood. Pictures by

Sunday, May 25, 2008

All good things on the set

"Kirsten Dunst and costar Ryan Gosling walk back to their trailers on the set of their new movie, "All Good Things", in New York City on Friday.

The pair filmed scenes indoors at a private building on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.

The period thriller is set in the ’80s and centers on the scion of a New York real estate dynasty (Gosling) who falls for a girl from the wrong side of the tracks (Dunst). When the girl disappears, a down-and-out detective begins to uncover information that could put people close to the case in danger".


Friday, May 23, 2008

No plans of proposing?

"Jake Gyllenhaal has laughed off reports he is planning to propose to girlfriend Reese Witherspoon and rush her down the aisle. The superstar couple began dating on the set of their 2007 film Rendition, and have been inseparable since, prompting reports of an imminent engagement.

Now, friends tells magazine OK! Gyllenhaal will propose any day soon, and they don't want to wait long for wedding.

A friend of Witherspoon tells the tabloid, "They'll be formally engaged any day now. They want to spend the rest of their lives together."

Gyllenhaal, 27, recently confessed he was deeply "in love" with Witherspoon to producer pal Ryan Kavahaugh.

But Gyllenhaal's spokesperson Carrie Byalick insists the gossips are jumping to conclusions, telling OK! "There are no current wedding plans." Source:
On 17 th May - Shopping With Reese In Santa Monica.
"After attempting to join two different yoga classes, without success, the couple headed to American Apparel store on Main Street for some shopping. Later they had a romantic dinner at Axe on Abbot Kinney in Venice. The couple are under watch as Jake is reported to plan to propose Reese". Source:

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Doubtful Speculations

Doubtful Speculations:

"I sat a long time thinking uncomfortable thoughts.
We are strangely made. We think we are wonderful creatures. Part of the time we think that, at any rate. And during that interval we consider with pride our mental equipment, with its penetration, its power of analysis, its ability to reason out clear conclussions from confused facts, and all the lordly rest of it; and then comes a rational interval and disenchants us. Disenchants us and lays us bare to ourselves, and we see that intellectually we are really no great things; that we seldom really know the thing we think we know; that our best-built certainties are but sand-houses and subject to damage from any wind of doubt that blows.
So a little time before I knew that this voyage was a dream, and nothing more; a wee little puff or two of doubt had blown against that certainty, unhelped by fact or argument, and already it was dissolving away. It seemed an incredible thing, and it hurt my pride of intellect, but it had to be confessed.
[page 284] But it was another failure. It was just a snow-flurry on a warm day: every flake was distinct and perfect, but they melted before you could grab enough to make a ball out of them. So I said- "We will try another way. Sometimes, you know, if you dart a swift glance over a tough foreign sentence you capture the general meaning of it, whereas if you stop to meddle with details you're gone. We'll try that method. Now then -no commas, no dashes, no pauses of any sort: start at the beginning and buzz the whole incantation through just in one solid whiz -swift, you know"
"Tales of wonder" by Mark Twain.
"The Mysterious Stranger" is narrated by August Feldner, a sixteen-year-old printer's apprentice.

"August realizes that he is in love with Marget, the master's niece. He discovers, however, that she is only in love with him in her dreams, when she is sleeping. August is able to make himself invisible and come to Marget in her dreams, during which her Dream-Self believes that her name is Elisabeth von Arnim and his name is Martin von Giesbach. But when she wakes up, she has no memory of this, and simply ignores August. During her waking hours, when she is her Day-Self or Waking-Self, she is in love with August's Duplicate, who calls himself Emil Schwarz".

"Number 44" states that his existence is beyond the bounds of what any human being could conceive of. He explains that "Life itself is only a vision, a dream," and that his existence is "pure Thought", without physical matter. Source:
"You perceive, now, that these things are all impossible except in a dream. You perceive that they are pure and puerile insanities, the silly creations of an imagination that is not conscious of its freaks - in a word, that they are a dream, and you the maker of it. The dream-marks are all present; you should have recognized them earlier.

"It is true, that which I have revealed to you; there is no God, no universe, no human race, no earthly life, no heaven, no hell. It is all a dream - a grotesque and foolish dream. Nothing exists but you. And you are but a thought - a vagrant thought, a useless thought, a homeless thought, wandering forlorn among the empty eternities!"

He vanished, and left me appalled; for I knew, and realized, that all he had said was true".
"The Mysterious Stranger" (1916)

"Questioning the existence of God and Fate, the hypocrisy of Man, the stability of the time-space continuum, and the efficacy of his meds, unlikely hero Donnie comes to believe he can save the planet — or at least his loved ones" Source:

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Jake will be Prince of Persia

"Earlier this year, we told you about the folks at Latino Review revealing that an offer was out to Jake Gyllenhaal to star as the titular prince in PRINCE OF PERSIA: THE SANDS OF TIME, the upcoming Mike Newell directed adaptation of the popular action adventure video game franchise of the same name. Today, the "Hollywood Insider" blog is reporting that Jakey G. has officially signed on as the time-controlling monarch. They've also added that current Brit Bond girl Gemma Arterton will be playing Tamina, a princess who helps the prince in his adventures and who presumably gets a little frisky with him, and that production is scheduled to start in July pending what happens with the looming actors' strike.

Extra Tidbit: The latest game in the series, "Prince of Persia: Prodigy", is scheduled for release in fourth quarter of this year on XBox 360, PS3 and Windows".

Charlie Bartlett

"If you're a teen movie buff, you'll notice references — some subtle, some not-so —to Harold and Maude, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, The Breakfast Club, and Rushmore. What's new about this movie is that it falls somewhere between noir teen flicks like Donnie Darko and more feel-good films like Ferris Bueller. It also feels very genuine, maybe because when I interviewed Kat and Anton (separately), they both mentioned Poll's request for their input for the movie (Anton to his character's backstory, Kat to her character's penchant for rock candy and choice of nail polish)". Source:

-How did you get involved with Charlie Bartlett and what drew you to the project?

-Jon Poll: I read about 100 scripts trying to find something that seemed like it was worth all the work. I was looking for something that had a lot of humor, heart and something on its mind. There aren’t many out there. I found two scripts out there last year that did that: Charlie Bartlett and Juno. Ironically I read another script by Gustin called Youth in Revolt, which hopefully will be made later this year". Source:

"Bringing teenagers and psychiatric drugs together is like opening a lemonade stand in the desert," he declares. Soon, he's the most popular boy in the school and has a new girlfriend (Kat Dennings) who just happens to be the drunken principal's (Robert Downey Jnr) only daughter.

An increasing number of American (and to a lesser extent) British teens are being prescribed drugs for disorders that didn't exist a generation ago and Charlie Bartlett clearly has something to say about the stresses and pressures of modern life.

But, at heart, it's the same old teen story about screwed-up kids who are trying to find a place in the world and need to be accepted for what they are.Downey Jr is a master at injecting an extra edge into the mundane (take a look at Iron Man) but is here underused and rather wasted.

Director Jon Poll's treatment is also oddly straightforward for a story that maybe demanded a Donnie Darko-style oddness to truly lift it". Source:


Monday, May 19, 2008

Kat Dennings (Infinite Norah)

"As you may or may not know, I am about to begin filming something so amazing that my heart is going to explode like eyeballs on the moon: "Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist", with the infinite Michael Cera as Nick and some weird girl named Kat Dennings as Norah. It's almost too good to be true, therefore I'm going to shut up about it and talk about some really important issues:

Pumpkin bread tastes like autumn, for serious. What more do I need in life? Pumpkin bread, cold weather, Manga, baby animals, a volcano filled with money, christmas music, and Bill Murray. Whether I have all of these things is irrelevant".
Source:"The girl is dressed in a flannel shirt, and I can’t tell whether that’s because she’s trying to bring back the only fashion style of the past fifty years that hasn’t been brought back or whether it’s because the shirt is as damn comfortable as it looks. She has very pale skin and a haircut that reads private school even though she’s messed it up to try to hide it". Read an excerpt of
"Nick & Nora's Infinite Playlist" in



Riding in Venice

May 16 - Jake & Reese Out & About in Los Angeles.May 17 - Bike Riding With Reese in Venice, CA.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Mary Elizabeth Winstead Video

"The film will star Cera as the titular Scott Pilgrim, a recent college grad who meets his dream girl, Ramona Flowers (Winstead). But to win her heart he must battle and defeat her seven evil ex-boyfriends. For me the pairing of Cera and Winstead is fantastic as I've long considered them some of the best of their generation. Add Edgar Wright into the mix and whoababy, we've got ourselves a winner. Winstead has been laying low since LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD but Cera has been quite busy with NICK AND NORAH'S INFINITE PLAYLIST and YEAR ONE with YOUTH IN REVOLT also in development. No word yet on when SCOTT PILGRIM might begin filming but it looks like it could go later this summer".