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Friday, February 09, 2007

79th Oscars Nominees Luncheon

"New mom Maggie Gyllenhaal has signed on to present the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences' Scientific and Technical Awards at the Beverly Wilshire hotel in Beverly Hills. Among the 15 awards Gyllenhall will present during the ceremony is the Academy's Gordon E. Sawyer Award, which is being bestowed on Ray Feeney for his lifetime of technological contributions to the industry. Also, the John A. Bonner Award will be given to Richard Edlund, in appreciation for outstanding service and dedication in upholding the high standards of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Segments of the Scientific and Technical Awards presentation will be shown during the 79th Academy Awards telecast on February 25. Gyllenhaal recently received a Golden Globe nomination for her role in "SherryBaby". Source:

Mark Wahlberg.

Leonardo di Caprio.

Rinko Kikuchi.

Penélope Cruz.

Helen Mirren.

Abigail Breslin.

Thursday, February 08, 2007


Hey, Jake Weirdos, a Very important News: your old purty "partner-in-Jake-crime" Kendra is just out of the market, from now on I AM A MARRIED WOMAN -glups!- and I would want to give my husband an extra gift via blogging; all of a sudden we decided to make a civil wedding, without the conventional bride white dress or stuff -I'm too agnostic and goofy for that- and almost in secrecy (my mom is acquainted with the facts at least) except our closest friends, who hesitated of blessing us or throwing us stones, it's the moment the mini-world out there Jake Weird orbit knows it, mainly to avoid future misunderstanding -this last sentence is for you, Big Blue eyes Boy, maybe in another lifetime we could have got a chance, but now you will have to find console in Reese's arms or whoever you're courting with cupcakes-.



Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Going Green

"Green: They are. Are you? Stars are setting out to save the planet. And they want you to help them.

Published: 04 February 2007

[...] The campaign, called Global Cool, will use pop concerts, webcasts and mass texting to get the message across. The organisers stress that they want to make people feel good by reducing their carbon footprints, rather than guilty about the amount of pollution they produce.

The Scottish singer KT Tunstall will front the campaign; she has personally saved more than four tons of CO2 a year by deciding not to have a car, installing energy-efficient lightbulbs, showering instead of having baths (except when "really tired") and unplugging all her electrical equipment when she is not using it. On top of that, she runs her American tour bus on biodiesel and makes her CDs carbon neutral.

The actors Orlando Bloom, Jude Law and Josh Hartnett have also joined the campaign. And a battery of other stars - including Brad Pitt, Jake Gyllenhaal, Cameron Diaz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Julia Roberts and George Clooney - have reduced their footprints through the work of another organisation, the Environmental Media Association, which is forming a partnership with Global Cool.

[...] Global Cool is the brainchild of a former music broker and advertising executive, Dan Morrell, who was one of the first to develop the idea of carbon offsetting, reducing the impact of flights and other polluting activities by planting trees and investing in energy-saving programmes.

Ten years ago, he founded Future Forests, now known as the CarbonNeutral Company, using a phrase he coined. But he came to realise that, by itself, this only scratched the surface of the problem. He decided the answer was to persuade people to cut back their emissions by making this "an aspirational lifestyle". He enlisted Hollywood stars, raised finance in the City and, with the help of environmentalists and business people, put together an unusually well-thought-through campaign.

The idea is that anyone can easily save well over one ton of CO2 a year. Unplugging phone chargers, TVs, DVD players and microwaves when not in use will save 0.9 tons. Turning the central heating thermostat down will save another 0.6, and replacing lightbulbs with energy efficient ones up to 0.4. [...]


Kate Bosworth 1 ton

The actress, best known for her role as Lois Lane in 'Superman Returns', turns off equipment at the wall when she is not using it, making a saving of 0.9 tons a year. Further, the US star buys only local food, making savings of an extra 0.1 tons.

Josh Hartnett 1.6 tons

Actor Hartnett ensures he unplugs his phone charger when it is not in use, saving 0.2 tons of CO2, while low-energy bulbs up his savings by 0.4 tons. But his biggest contribution is the Toyota Prius he has driven for several years, accounting for one ton each year.

Orlando Bloom 1.3 tons

Bloom, who starred as Legolas in the 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy, is in the process of installing solar power at his home which will save 0.4 tons of CO2 annually. Not leaving appliances in standby mode boosts the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' actor's savings by a further 0.9 tons.

Jake Gyllenhaal 1.4 tons

Gyllenhaal, best known for his role in 'Brokeback Mountain' saves a ton of CO2 every year by driving a Toyota Prius around LA. The star of 'Donnie Darko' uses Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs more commonly known as energy-saving light bulbs, saving 0.4 tons of CO2.

Leonardo DiCaprio 2 tons

The Oscar-nominated actor drives a Toyota Prius, which saves one ton of carbon dioxide. He cuts down on elecricity usage with long-life, low-energy light bulbs which add another 0.4 tons to his savings. DiCaprio also makes another major contribution by recycling his landfill waste which contributes an extra 0.6 tons." -By Geoffrey Lean


"In Hollywood, green is the new black! After Jake Gyllenhaal,

Eva Longoria and

Sarah Jessica Parker do the black tie Golden Globes banquet, they'll be celebrating the actual globe at the "Greenest Party on Earth."

The Beverly Hills bash, sponsored by E! and the Environmental Media Association, will feature recycled party decor, sustainable plants and flowers, and a menu consisting entirely of organic food. Pass the salt! A tree will be planted for each party attendee, which will go toward offsetting the carbon emissions generated by the soiree.

Al Gore will be so proud!

Celebs like Paris Hilton, Lance Bass and Adam Brody will also be getting their ecological groove on to the sounds of DJ AM. Try doing that at Hyde!

The A-list ecofest takes place on the site of a former Robinsons-May department store, which is being turned into an environmentally sustainable, high-end luxury residence called 9900 Wilshire. Unfortunately, for most of us, it takes a lot of green to live green!"

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Top 100 Hottest Hunks

1. Take That
2. Daniel Craig
3. Johnny Depp
4. Orlando Bloom
5. Jake Gyllenhaal
6. George Clooney
7. Brad Pitt
8. Matt Willis
9. Robbie Williams
10. Justin Timberlake
11. Matthew Fox
12. Jesse Metcalfe
13. David Tennant
14. Russell Brand
15. Steve Jones
16. Luke Pritchard
17. Johnny Borrell
18. James McAvoy
19. Joaquin Phoenix
20. David Beckham
21. Dermot O’Leary
22. Matthew McConaughey
23. Ewan McGregor
24. Jude Law
25. Colin Farrell
26. Heath Ledger
27. Will Smith
28. Josh Holloway
29. Josh Hartnett
30. Vernon Kay
31. Clive Owen
32. Richard Hammond
33. Wentworth Miller
34. Prince Harry
35. Declan Donnelly
36. Ryan Phillippe
37. Prince William
38. Jose Mourinho
39. Brandon Flowers
40. Owen Wilson
See the rest of the Top 100 Hunks Ranking: Source:

Looking at this absurd list (Number 1: Take that! or No. 10 Justin Timberlake!) it's a good moment to recapitulate and compound my own list, as in Arden's Smolder Scale, mine will be named "Kendra's Ignition Scale" (for future reference), my list includes all eras heartthrobs, here it is:

1. Jake Gyllenhaal
2. Joseph Gordon-Levitt
3. James Dean
4. Montgomery Clift
5. Paul Newman
6. Ryan Gosling
7. Edward Norton
8. Johnny Depp
9. Peter Sarsgaard
10. Jeff Tweedy

Monday, February 05, 2007

Mysterious Skin (and Sky)

Wendy: "I wish there's a movie showing right now"
Neil: "Me too"
Wendy: "A film about our lives"
Wendy: "Everything's that's happened so far. And the last scene would just be us standing right here. Just you and me"
Neil: "Yeah"
Wendy: "I hear something. It's the voice of God"
Neil: "I hear him"

Saturday, February 03, 2007

My New Crush (Joseph)

Jake Gyllenhaal with Zooey Deschanel.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt with Zooey Deschanel.

Do you remember that episode of "infidelity" by our sexy "Britpotbaby" from Jake Watch a few months ago? Well, I'm guilty of the same delict, but with Joseph Gordon-Levitt (fact I barely could hide it in my last posts).
I have discovered some similarities between him and Jake, i.e. Joseph's favourite book is "The Catcher in The Rye" by J.D. Salinger: Source:, and Jake played "Holden", the Retail Rodeo clerk obsessed with Holden Caulfield, "The Catcher in The Rye"'s protagonist, in "The Good Girl".

Friday, February 02, 2007

Spandex Loving Stops

"While the gays were treated to a Brokeback Mountain-slash-Dreamgirls send-off during this weekend's Saturday Night Live, we're told a skit that the homo-inclined audience would've enjoyed much more never got off the ground.

As any casual Jake Gyllenhaal fan knows, he spends a lot of time with Lance Armstrong and Matthew McConaughey. And Spandex. A SNL insider tells us cast members had been hoping to do a skit that featured Gyllenhaal cycling with his two "special friends" — but Jake quietly put the skit to bed without much argument. "He just didn't want to do it," tattles our source. "Part of it was that he thought it was lame, and probably felt a little uncomfortable. The other part had to do with the writing being unfunny."

In the end, however, Jake's Chelsea audience had to settle for him wearing his boyfriend's coat on TV to express his true love. Or at least they had to settle for speculation thereof."
