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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Potential Ladies' Man

And I still haven't looked through the Jake and Kendra gallery, folks.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Blonde and Brunette

An Imdb user, I suppose it's a girl who describes some similarities between Natalie Portman and Kirsten Dunst careers, it's a bit excessive connecting random dots, but gathers some curious parallellisms.

by - misses_betty_betty (Tue Jul 25 2006 08:10:57)

"While Kirsten is most often compared with other young actress (or even older ones) she appears to have more in common- personally and career-wise- with Natalie Portman.

Both: **have a foreign-born father; **have been involved with a twenty-something, popular actor- Kirsten with Jake Gyllenhaal, Natalie with Gael Garcia Bernal; **were raised in the East Coast; fell for a co-star when a teenager- Kirsten for Ben Foster, Natalie for Lukas Haas; **turned down a role during her teen years because it required some sort of nudity- Kirsten turned down American Beauty, Natalie turned down Lolita; **consistently beat out Christina Ricci for roles during their teens- Ricci once commented that many of the roles she's played were originally offered to Natalie; **started out as a model; **have done comedies with: Dustin Hoffman, Gabby Hoffman; **have done dramas with: Susan Sarandon, Marcia Gay Harden, Julia Roberts; **is friends with a director who's directed them twice in critically acclaimed performances (ya know, is MA is critically acclaimed this October).

Things get weird with: **In Garden State, Natalie starred with Peter Sarsgaard who is involved with Kirsten's former costar Maggie Gyllenhaal, the older sister of Jake Gyllenhaal, who Kirsten was involved with. Jake and Natalie were seen together around NYC during several months in 2002. Kirsten, in Marie Antoinette, is the superior of Jamie Dornan, who is the ex-boyfriend of Keira Knightley, who played Natalie's subordinate in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. In Marie Antoinette, Kirsten is also the superior of Rose Byrne, who played Natalie's subordinate in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones. In Star Wars: AOTC, Natalie played opposite Hayden Christiansen, who Kirsten worked with in The Virgin Suicides. **In 2006, both play foreign, high-ranking members of society in historical films. Kirsten plays Marie Antoinette in Marie Antoinette; Natalie plays two characters- Inez and Alicia- in Goya's Ghosts. **At 23, Kirsten played Claire, a quirky woman who falls in love with and cheers up a depressed young man; the filmed is named after a real city, Elizabethtown; music is featured prominently in the film, including a song by The Shins. At 23, Natalie played Sam, a neurotic woman who falls in love with and cheers up a depressed young man; the film is named after a state; music is featured prominently in the film, including a song by The Shins.

Weirder still? **Kirsten is a supporting actor in the major movie franchise Spider-Man; Natalie is a supporting actor in the major movie franchise Star Wars. **Within a year of each other, they each played a young Russian woman in the 1800's, who flirts with and manipulates her older suitors while a young man pines for her. Kirsten in All Forgotten and Natalie in The Seagull. **Both have played young women trying to survive the Holocaust: Kirsten in The Devils Arithmetic (1999); Natalie in The Diary of Anne Frank (1998). **In 1995, both spent most of their screen time in the comedies Jumanji and Mars Attacks! running from either large animals or aliens. **Both have played stuck-up prepsters with Gabby Hoffman as their best friend: Kirsten in Strike!; Natalie in Everyone Says I Love You.**Natalie Portman attempted to audition for the role of Amy in Little Women but was turned away for being too old (some say ethnic). In Little Women, Kirsten plays Amy- a rather shallow young girl who is the opposite of her much more grounded mother in almost every way- and Susan Sarandon plays her mother. Later, in Anywhere but Here, Natalie would play Ann-a very grounded young girl who is the opposite of her rather shallow mother in almost every way- and her mother would be played by Susan Sarandon. **Both had their breakout role at the age of 12: Kirsten, Interview with the Vampire; Natalie, The Professional. Both played orphaned young girls taken in by an older man, who they then formed an intense bond with and whom they wanted to kill someone else. **In most of the cases, they were only a year apart."

L.A. Benefit without Jake

A Benefit reading/concert was programmed on 26th August Sat. at Royce Hall, L.A.
According to the schedule by bookeaters Jake should have appeared there to support this charity event, together Jenny Lewis (child actress and songwriter, whom he dated in 2001), Aimee Mann, Dave Eggers, Mark Kozelek, Sarah Vowell, The Mountain Goats, John Roderick, Fiona Apple, etc. for a 6 concert series to raise money for children's literacy programs in 826 writing centers. The first of them was hosted at Beacon Theater N. Y. on 23th. Anyway, I suppose Jake must have his motives to skip this show hosted by Andy Richter. Aside my beloved Jenny, who played "Happy", "Rise Up with Fists!" and "Rabbit Fur Coat", John Krasinski ("The Office" Jim Halpert and "Jarhead" Corporal Harrigan) replaced Jake's act.
Some pictures of Jenny Lewis with John Krasinski and others participants. I'm a big fan of her group Rilo Kiley, you all know she is a classical flame of mine.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Turn out the light!


"Lover, lover, why is there light
In the itchy gitchy evening and its dark outside
And whats the difference between wrong and right
Wrong and right

Isnt it funny how pain goes away
And then comes back another day
The air feels very good today
Good today

Lover, lover, why is there light
Did you forget to turn off that light
Well thats all right but its way too bright
Way too bright

See the eagle above the hill
The lake reflects and is so still
The tension has gone from my will
From my will

Moon on the mountain shining bright
First there is dark and then there is light
And sometimes the light is way too bright
Its way to bright

Why dont you turn out the light
Oh, turn out the light"
(by Lou Reed).

Give me Another drink!

The power of positive drinking stays omnipresent in Jake Weird.

Give me a drink!

You can bet I needed a couple of drinks after my Blogger debacle.

Passion for Sam and Laura

In consonance with Anneka's review, here you can read another from, where our heroic couple receives bad rewievs.

"You also have the stereotypical story lines - which hey - ain't a bad thing, but at least, it would be nice for the cheesy stuff to not be staged in a way in which the audience feels like they're being duped. Take for instance, the immensely talented, Jake Gyllenhaal. His performance in this movie consists of (mostly), lame scenes with this chick (Emmy Rossum) - which he has no chemistry with. Random stares. Random glares. One has to wonder why such a talented actor would need to appear in a film like this.

Emmy Rossum was - well - not EVEN attractive background noise. She had two expressions - happy, happy (joy joy) and worried/concerned.

Dennis Quaid made me laugh every time he opened his mouth and recited four syllable scientific words. Like I'm supposed to take him seriously.

Sela Ward, who I enjoyed from her Sisters days, cried a lot. She's good at crying - she may have been good at other things however, Mr. Director never clued us in.

I often wonder why bad things (at least in the movies) only seem to happen in New York. What...Indianapolis isn't cosmopolitan enough?! Anyway, maybe it's the effects of 9/11 - but it was difficult for me to feel bad for the human beings in this movie. In some ways, I did feel like Mr. Director was attempting to make some political statements, especially with the characters that played the President and Vice President. I might have zeroed in more on the message (or felt that grand swelling of pride in human kind) had he not distracted me with all of the stupid dialog.

The one saving grace of this movie was the special effects. I'm not a technical chick however, they were absolutely cool.

The Day After Tomorrow is rated PG-13 for intense situations of peril (although, comparing it to OTHER situations of perils - I find the stuff in here to be quite tame). This is one of those movies that really, you can skip altogether.

Recommended: No"
Same as the devastating review of "Proof", it will need my personal view of this Roland Emmerich film to even things out.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Alligators and Cocodriles

An anonymous reader asked me if Jake posed with an alligator or cocodrile, I only knew about differences between them, as the cocodriles are more aggressive and their skin smoother than alligators. Now I add that cocodrile's muzzle is "V" shaped and narrower than "U" muzzles of alligators.

Petitions Box

Well, if someone of you feel an urgent compelling need of revisiting some concrete post, for particular theme motives, data, or mere nostalgia, this is the place where readers and viewers of "Jake Weird" have the opportunity to request me to post some disappeared post you loved specially. I cannot guarantee you will be fully satisfied, as you know it's dependent on finding the pictures -some of them are even removed from IHJ gallery and from another sites for copyright infringement- and another factors, but I'll try to make my best.