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Thursday, July 09, 2009

Brief gay summary onscreen

"On the other hand, many gay characters are still tucked into supporting and sometimes bewildering roles on television – like Olivia Wilde's Thirteen on "House", who has by turns been lesbian, bisexual, straight, self-destructive, confused and determined.In the movies, "Brokeback Mountain" sparked exactly zero major studio attempts to tap that audience with something similar.On the one hand, gay people have fought their way to far greater acceptance than anyone could have imagined 40 years ago, when the "Stonewall riots" in Greenwich Village helped blast a movement out of the closet.On the other hand, large numbers of Americans still are uncomfortable about gays, as "Bruno" illustrates once again, and because "mainstream" movie and television producers depend on patronage from a mass audience, they desperately don't want to alienate some measurable percentage of the population just by subject matter.Even a movie as well-made and well-reviewed as "Brokeback Mountain" undoubtedly lost potential viewers who just felt uncomfortable about Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhall kissing.The sexuality of Jon Voight's Joe Buck was a major theme in the dark "Midnight Cowboy," as was his relationship with Dustin Hoffman's Ratso Rizzo. "Midnight Cowboy" won an Oscar. The next year the dark "Boys in the Band" became a movie, though neither movie portrayed being gay as anything like comfortable.By 1980, Hollywood was still most comfortable having a major gay character be a demented psychokiller like the one in Al Pacino's "Cruising."n 1991 Gus Van Sant had a good-sized hit with the modest-sized movie "My Own Private Idaho", wherein Keanu Reeves and the late River Phoenix struggled with honesty about their sexuality.Robert De Niro's character in "This Boy's Life" (1993) still sneers to a young Leonardo DiCaprio that one of the other boys "plays for the pink team."Perhaps the most encouraging movie sign yet was last year's "Milk", with Sean Penn playing Harvey Milk as a man who was gay, but was also a whole lot of other things. Just like most gay people.
Meanwhile, in lead roles, Ellen DeGeneres made weeks of headlines when it became clear she was going to "come out" as her sitcom rolled to a close. Would America ever accept a gay woman sitcom lead character, it was fervently asked?But Ellen is now hosting a very successful daily talk show on which, surprise, her sexual orientation is rarely more than a passing reference.Like Rosie O'Donnell, Ellen has proven that if you have interesting guests and something valuable or funny to say, the audience won't much care whom you sleep with.
So the train is rolling, and rolling in the right direction. But for all the talk of television and Hollywood as agents of the "liberal media", they don't seem inclined to run their train much faster or slower than the rest of the country's".


Tobey Maguire will play the lead in "The Details"

"Tobey Maguire has replaced James McAvoy as the leadin The Details, a dark indie comedy featuring him and Elizabeth Banks as a couple whose declining marriage turns murderous when raccoons infest their backyard. Think of it like a spiritual cousin to his much heavier Brothers, except with mischievous yard critters where the brooding, Natalie Portman-beddingJake Gyllenhaal is supposed to go". [Variety]

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Sid Vicious inspiring Heath Ledger and Joseph Gordon-Levitt

"Ready to see Zooey Deschanel as Sid Vicious and Joseph Gordon-Levitt is a blonde wig as Nancy? Mean Magazine has created a new series of online short films called CineMash, which allows actors to remake their favorite scenes from classic movies.

First up is the starring couple from Marc Webb’s "500 Days of Summer" (opening July 17),
Deschanel and Levitt, who decided to remake the classic film "Sid and Nancy".Source:

"Heath Ledger's performance as The Joker in the new Batman movie was inspired by Sid Vicious, says co-star Christian Bale.Ledger watched old clips of the late Sex Pistols bassist when researching the part.He said: "Heath's created an anarchic Joker unlike any ever seen before".

"He modelled the part on Sid Vicious which made this punk-like character".

Jennifer's Body trailer

how scary would be Jake Gyllenhaal with fangs, adorably scary?Or would Emile Hirsch fit as vampire (photo-designed by Sunny) in a wilder Twilight sequel?
"Megan Fox looks SCARY as a demon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The 23-year-old actress looks bloody fangtastic in this new still from her upcoming sci-fi thriller Jennifer’s Body via Fangoria.

The flick’s script is from Juno scribe Diablo Cody and opens everywhere on Friday, September 18. Jennifer’s Body also stars Amanda Seyfried, who stars as Jennifer’s best friend who tries to stop the boy-killing rampage".

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Oscar talk begins

"Oscar talk is already all-year round (as if you don't know yet!), but it seems to me, the focus remains on the established performers - most notably the filmmakers and the lead actors and actresses (Streep, Dench, Day-Lewis, Eastwood, Scorsese).

Jennifer Hudson won the Best Supporting for Dream Girls at 25,

while Anna Paquin won the same award for The Piano at 11, one of the youngest ever.
Nominees include Natalie Portman (Best Supporting for Closer when she was 24), Soairse Ronan (Best Supporting for Atonement when she was just 13), Keisha Castle-Hughes (Best Actress for Whale Rider when she was just 13), Ellen Page (Best Actress for Juno at age 20), Abegail Breslin (Best Supporting for Little Miss Sunshine at 10), Rinko Kikuchi (Best Supporting for BABEL at 25, the year Hudson won) and Keira Knightley (Best Actress for Pride and Prejudice at 20) to name a few.
Heath Ledger won the Best Supporting (Posthumous) at 29, but he was 27 when he got the Best Actor nom for Brokeback Mountain. Nominees include Ryan Gosling (Best Actor for Half-Nelson when he was 26), Jake Gyllenhaal (Best Supporting for Brokeback Mountain when he was 25). While he's over 30, Adrien Brody won the Best Actor for The Pianist, when he was 29, the youngest ever to win".

Monday, July 06, 2009

Beanie fashion

"Many celebrities such as Katy Perry, Reese Witherspoon, Beyonce, and Jake Gyllenhaal have been seen relaxing with their beanies.
Jake and Beyonce were both seen wearing theirs at a basketball game".

"Entertainment Weekly" Twilight photoshoot

-Why is Edward so alluring?
-What I never really understood about his attractiveness, especially to young girls, is his gentlemanliness. I thought that teenage girls like the dangerous aspect of males, and so I tried to emphasize the danger and make the more gentlemanly side of this character a veil to something else underneath. I really tried to make him an incredibly strong and powerful character, but at the same time self-loathing and extremely vulnerable.

-So you saw Edward as sometimes vulnerable?
-Yes. When his life is put into basic terms, he has nothing to live for and all he wants to do is either become a human or die. The only reason that he hasn’t died is because he is too scared; he doesn’t think that he has a soul. Then he meets Bella, who makes him feel like a human and feel alive again. At the same time, her human vulnerability makes him incredibly vulnerable, because even with his super speed and his super strength, he still can’t fully protect her. Whenever she is in danger, he is in danger. If she dies or goes anywhere, then he is gone, too.

-What was your favorite scene to shoot?
-I knew that there were some scenes where I was going to have to look demonic and have a glare that would scare humans. That was difficult to prepare. My favorite scene that we ended up shooting was this little random one near the beginning where I try and intimidate Bella by being a scary vampire and she doesn’t back down at all.

-New York or L.A.?
-I like them both for different reasons. They are literally opposite sides of the coin, so it’s kind of nice to switch between the two. New York is incredibly frenetic, and nothing ever happens in L.A.

-Trademark style?
-Looking terrible. Truly, I wear the same thing every day. I don’t know how to use a washer machine.

-Celebrity crush?
-I don’t know. I am sure that if I did say anyone’s name, it would be really embarrassing if I met them.

This video is my ode to the crazy fans out there and the paps. A reminder that beneath it all Rob is still a person.

I made an error while tagging the song. The name is not Use Somebody but Cold Desert by Kings of Leon also.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Robert and Emilie hounded by paps on set

"Robert Pattinson and Emilie de Ravin on the set of "Remember me".

"This was day 10 of shooting, which for the first 7 minutes, showed his co-star Emilie de Ravin filming her scene.

Then at about the 7 minute mark, Robert Pattinson came out of his trailer to shoot his scene which took about an hour to setup. The paparazzi were all in the street trying to get their photos of him,but this scene required them to get out of the street. People working on the movie set, had to constantly tell them to back, and get out of the street numerous times before they finally cooperated".