WEIRDLAND: Test your Weirdness

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Test your Weirdness

I don't like too much taking this type of surveys, but my brother always calls me "nerd", "dork" and another names constantly, so I wanted to find out which of these variations of weird fits me better, and the results are I am:

Outcast Genius
73 % Nerd, 86% Geek, 73% Dork

For The Record:

A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia.

A Geek is someone who is passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or difficult one.

A Dork is someone who has difficulty with common social expectations/interactions.

You scored better than half in all three, earning you the title of:
"Outcast Genius".

Outcast geniuses usually are bright enough to understand what society wants of them, and they just don't care! They are highly intelligent and passionate about the things they know are *truly* important in the world. Typically, this does not include sports, cars or make-up, but it can on occassion (and if it does then they know more than all of their friends combined in that subject).

Outcast geniuses can be very lonely, due to their being outcast from most normal groups and too smart for the room among many other types of dorks and geeks, but they can also be the types to eventually rule the world, ala Bill Gates, the prototypical Outcast Genius.



  1. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Hey Kendra...I'm pure nerd
    78 % Nerd, 47% Geek, 34% Dork

  2. Muffin, I always knew you and me travelled together on the Geek route! You could work more on your nerdy side, though ;)

  3. My Gawd, PURE NERD is a undeniable syntomp for learning/being smart, I mean, more smart than you are already, jacknastygirl ;)

  4. Simon, maybe you should practice more, your geek side is a bit weak, but I'm sure you'll become an official dork soon, and thesweetestone-the sweet nerd...

  5. ....maybe I lied to myself in this test??
    Good questions, Simon. That's why I've written in the post beginning I don't believe fully in these tests that sometimes measure your "weirdness" potential by nitpicking/arbitrary questions, so don't sweat it too much, and maybe your next survey surprises you as the dork king we all know you are.

  6. I'm a pure nerd, 68% nerd, 37% geek and 49% dork.

  7. 43 % Nerd, 26% Geek, 39% Dork
    I scored less than half in all three making me 'normal'.

    Haha! someone needs to be normal around all the weirdness here.

  8. Well, countsheep, jump to the Nerd ship with Jacknastygirl and Thesweetestnerd.

    ^^Kokodee, although perhaps I exceeded my weirdness unconsciously in some answers of the test, we need some good corrective normalcy around;)
