WEIRDLAND: Debunking myths about Marilyn's last days

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Debunking myths about Marilyn's last days

Jim DiEugenio: The whole Marilyn Monroe case became a sensationalistic industry in the mid seventies. And there was probably no person more responsible for that than Robert Slatzer. He literally made up this story about him being married to Marilyn, which was complete and utter BS. In fact he promised to pay a friend of his if he would lie for him about it to Anthony Summers. Well, the guy lied, Summers bought it, but Slatzer welched on the deal and did not pay him. So the guy then told the truth: that Slatzer made up a cock and bull story in order to sell his book. In  his volume, Murder Orthodoxies, Donald McGovern spent 20 pages utterly dismantling that piece of rubbish story. 

And I have to add that as bad as Norman Mailer's book was, Slatzer's was even worse. His book really broke the dam, and once it was out there, and went through a mass market paperback sale, all bets were off. Anything was now allowed. And I mean anything. Even space aliens. And Bobby telling Marilyn about how he was involved in Murder Inc. Which he was not. In fact, its ridiculous. But Slatzer printed that garbage. Thus the gates flew open. It was open season now on MM. She could be turned into anything you needed her to be: Mafia moll, UFOlogist, secret KGB spy, foreign policy expert for JFK.  I wish I was kidding but I'm not. Slatzer ended up selling two books and two documentaries out of his phony claims. Which turned out to be lucrative for him. Very bad for everyone else. Especially for the memory of Marilyn Monroe.  

Authors like McGovern and Vitacco-Robles have spent years and thousands of hours working on both MM's life and her passing. And they have done original research. That is they have interviewed many, many people. People likely do not know this, but the DA's office conducted a year long inquiry into these matters, including the charges made by people like Slatzer and Jeanne Carmen. Very similar to what Rothmiller comes up with more recently. DA Ronald Carrol wrote a 641 page report which refuted them specifically and in detail.  The MM nuts only mention a 27 page report. But that was  only the summary. Gary VItacco Robles petitioned the office for the full report. And he uses it in his book Icon. According to Mike Rothmiller, Bobby was in Brentwood not once, but twice that day! How, with the contravening evidence? Which as Don notes, Rothmiller says RFK was desperate for the diary, which did not exist. Her actual journals--which included poems--were discovered later in the Strasberg archives. As per the first detective on the scene, is Mike for real? Don McGovern proved that Clemmons was not just a fabricator but he was indicted on libel charges and forced to leave LAPD. Don proved that everything Clemmons said about the scene was false. The lie about the washer dryer, thus making Murray into some kind of unwitting accomplice was really kind of sick. 

As was the lie about there being no glass in MM's bedroom and it being neat. Pat Newcomb was a former student of Pierre Salinger. She was heartbroken after MM's death since she left the house that day over an argument about whether or not MM should pose nude in Playboy. She was against it. She was so broken up after her death that she left her job as a PR person and Salinger got her a position. Newcomb was not any kind of informant since there was nothing to inform about while she was there. Don McGovern describes how MM was positioned on the bed by the first group of cops to arrive after Clemmons left. And its not how Thompson describes it. Doug Thompson is an amateur. As for Rothmiller, he has joined up in the MM mythology/scatology industry. He tells us utterly nothing about JFK, RFK or MM. What he does is create false smears of them, which people who do not know anything about the case think are credible. When, in fact, that is the last thing they are. Its part and parcel of something I once called the posthumous assassination syndrome. Don McGovern demolished the Rothmiller story about MM and JFK having dinner during the second night of the 1960 Democratic Convention, when in fact she was not even in California! Rothmiller used Fred Otash? That seals it.  Otash was about as bad and amoral as they come. He made Spindel look like a decent guy. Wait until you see what I have on him in my upcoming article  "Joyce Carol Oates, Brad Pitt and the Road to Blonde."

And that whole thing about a press conference is even worse. Gary VItacco Robles interviewed the guy from her PR company and he said, nope. Not one word about it. This is what is called doing research for cross checking purposes. As per the Unheard Tapes, consider the way she was asked the question: "But, on the show, Summers did not ask Eunice if Robert Kennedy visited on August 4th: the term the author used was “that day,” along with “that afternoon.” We know that Robert Kennedy visited Marilyn, accompanied by Pat and Peter Lawford, on the 27th of June in 1962. Eunice Murray recounted the attorney general’s brief visit on that Wednesday for biographer Donald Spoto. The Lawfords arrived at Fifth Helena that afternoon to collect Marilyn, and Robert Kennedy was with them: Marilyn wanted them to see her new home. After a brief tour of Marilyn’s humble hacienda, the group proceeded to the Lawford’s beachside mansion for a dinner party. That June visit, residential tour and dinner party was the fourth and final meeting of Bobby and Marilyn.

There were no such questions in any literary form about MM's death until 1964. This was when inveterate Kennedy hater and professional Red hunter Frank Capell issued his pamphlet on the subject. Which no one today takes seriously since it is so obviously a political hit piece on RFK. Secondly, if say Allen Dulles or Curtis LeMay, had wanted to know where RFK was that weekend, they would have consulted with Hoover and Hoover's report said that he was in GIlroy with the Bates family.  That report included time of arrival and departure. So like with many things, what on earth  is Mike talking about?  The MM fables did not begin in earnest in any way until Mailer's book, several years later.  And then Mailer admitted on TV that he threw RFK in for one reason: he needed the money.

MM did not have "affairs" with either JFK or RFK. You can only adduce that if you rely on more jokester sources like the discredited David Heymann or Jeanne Carmen, both proven frauds. Don McGovern examined every major tenet of the Rothmiller book. It is not my opinion that RFK had nothing to do with MM's death.  It is an established fact that he was in Gilroy about 350 miles away at the time. And there is a plethora of evidence, including a series of photographs in time sequence, that demonstrate this beyond doubt. For many years on end, actually decades, cheapjack writers like Robert Slatzer and David Heymann simply manufactured a mythology that had no basis in fact in order to sell their pulpy books to an all too willing populace. What Don McGovern did was to carefully analyze the information in these books, compare them to each other, and compare them to the adduced record. The pills MM took were ingested, they were not injected or supplied by enema. And Don proves this scientifically. 

The mixture she took of Nembutal and Chloral Hydrate should have never been allowed by her doctors. There is no evidence that there was anything at all between RFK and MM. There is some evidence that there was a one shot encounter between JFK and MM, back in 1961. There was not any continuing affair. The work that has been done on this by skilled and professional writers uses the calendars that are demanded of the AG and POTUS, with the MM day books by Carl Rollyson and April Vevea. April Vevea has become a really good and valuable writer on the subject. And she has been one of the most proficient sources to effectively counter all the crapola that came from people like Slatzer and Mailer and Carmen. The difference being she does some careful and logical and fact based work. As per RFK and Gilroy, how much evidence do you want? Pictures, testimony, newspaper stories. As per Summers and Shaw, their books, for me, are like one step below people like Slatzer. Just take a look at how much Summers relies on Slatzer, Carmen and Smathers.  And I should also add Gary Wean. I actually sent away for Wean's book. And what Summers left out about this guy is the real story that you will hear soon.  Source:

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