WEIRDLAND: 57th Anniversary of JFK's death, "Who We Are: America's Fight for Universal Progress, from Franklin to Kennedy" (2020) by Anton Chaitkin

Monday, November 23, 2020

57th Anniversary of JFK's death, "Who We Are: America's Fight for Universal Progress, from Franklin to Kennedy" (2020) by Anton Chaitkin

James Murray (22 November, 2020): The terrible event was captured by Abraham Zapruder on a Super 8 Movie Camera. It was a moment that for millions of people the world seemed to stop. People remembered for the rest of their lives where they were when they heard the news of the shooting of President Kennedy and Texas Governor John Connally. It is also a moment when the sheer horror of the event changed history. The Irish-American President’s death has spawned many conspiracy theories on exactly who was involved, and who was interested in killing the President. Even today, years later, and after the release by President Trump of many of the previously sealed documents still has many Americans doubting the findings of the Warren Commission the official report and investigation into the assassination. The shooting happened in Dallas, and the alleged assassin arrested a short time later was a disaffected former Marine, Lee Harvey Oswald. A majority of people in the United States believe President Kennedy was killed as a result of a conspiracy. Oliver Stone’s JFK pointed to involvement by the CIA and the Military Industrial Complex. Despite all the documents which have been released, with all the time that has passed, it is difficult to say if the full story will ever be told. President Kennedy was only in office for about 1000 days. But it was an era that changed America and changed the world. Many wonder what our world would have been like today had the assassination in Dallas never happened. The world will never know. What we do know is that our world did change that day. The death of President John F. Kennedy was seen by many observers as the end of a shining era. Source:

A half century ago, the Anglo-American Establishment reversed the policies that made America rich, powerful, and humane. They erased our former way of thinking from public memory. They took away from us our original national mission: gaining scientific control over nature to uplift mankind. They falsely inserted their own goals, so that no remedy from our real heritage seemed possible. This new book by the masterful investigative historian Anton Chaitkin, restores that stolen American legacy. The secret to modern history is the great breakthroughs in technology were deliberate projects for the improvement of humanity. Chaitkin takes you behind the scenes, to see the two sides struggling to control American policy: nationalist statesmen and industrial innovators, versus the British empire, Wall Street and the southern slave owners. Who We Are: America's Fight for Universal Progress, from Franklin to Kennedy Volume 1: 1750s to 1850s by Anton Chaitkin has been published on November 19, 2020. Some startling details from Who We Are: Benjamin Franklin guides his friends in England who develop the steam engine, canals, and steelmaking—and discover biochemical laws of nature. Franklin and his close allies guide America’s revolt against the empire, write the Constitution, and strategize for a strong industrial nation-state. Lord Shelburne’s British Intelligence system acts to prevent other countries from acquiring the new technical powers, by fake insurrections and the “free trade” dogmas. Alexander Hamilton’s founding development program is sabotaged by Shelburne. The British turn the French Revolution to anarchy and mass bloodshed. America’s founding program remains blocked, until a new generation of nationalist leaders fight the British again and start industrialization. Finally, in the 1820’s, acting as a team in government and the military, an idealistic core group builds U.S. canals, coal and iron industries, and railroads. They bring on modern times, and actively aid other countries’ industrial progress—all this against the violent opposition of the British imperial interests. Volume 1 takes us to the Civil War. Volume 2 (planned for 2021) carries the story of progress versus empire, from Abraham Lincoln to John F. Kennedy.

Historian and investigative journalist Anton Chaitkin was the History Editor for Executive Intelligence Review. For 40 years, he has made groundbreaking discoveries about the intentions of those pioneers who fought for the US citizens improvement, and of their imperial opponents. His 1985 book {Treason in America: from Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman} documented from "blue-blood" family archives the takeover of U.S. policy making by agents and allies of the British empire. This classic with 100,000 copies sold, long out of print, is now in a Kindle edition. His father, a New York attorney, fought in the courts to break Wall Street and London sponsorship of Adolf Hitler's dictatorship in Germany. Many of the lawsuits were against international Nazi interests managed by Prescott Bush, father and grandfather of the two Bush Presidents. The author comments, "The only people who can seriously criticize the real evils of America today, are those who seriously appreciate what America—uniquely—did right in the past. That's the purpose of the book." Source:

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