WEIRDLAND: Jake Gyllenhaal in V Man photoshoot

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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Jake Gyllenhaal in V Man photoshoot

Jake Gyllenhaal 'Prisoners' Portraits - Toronto Film Festival

Jake Gyllenhaal on the cover of V Man magazine (Fall/Winter) 2013.

On discoveries as an actor: “More and more, I’ve tried to ask myself about myself … that’s one of the reasons I love other actors, I discover what I want to talk about when I begin to exchange with someone else. You constantly stay alive, stay awake, listen to yourself.”

On life after filming End of Watch: “I made a number of changes in my life … I moved from Los Angeles to New York City, really to be closer to my family, and also – I had made a lot of promises to myself about getting back to theater, which is what I love, and I really wanted to follow that… so I just made this sort of big move out East, which is the opposite move people usually make, and I basically took some time.”

Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal in Hollywood Reporter magazine (Toronto Festival Daily), September 2013

Prisoners co-star Hugh Jackman on Jake: “What always impressed me about Jake was his steadfast commitment to connection, His work ethic is like mine: he loves to explore, dig and extract every ounce of depth in a scene. He has the courage to follow his instincts and helps create an atmosphere where anything is possible. He is open, always striving for truth and complexity. What he has pulled off in Prisoners is extraordinary.” Source:

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