WEIRDLAND: Most Awkward Couples for Saint Valentine

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Most Awkward Couples for Saint Valentine

"People have written infinite pages about the chemistry between movie couples like Stanley and Stella Kowalski (Marlon Brando and Kim Hunter) in A Streetcar Named Desire or Scarlett O’Hara and Rhett Butler (Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh) in Gone with the Wind. While we can’t deny the magic those iconic romances have lent to the silver screen, some of our favorite couples in film are the awkward pairings that don’t quite fit".

Rachel Dawes and Bruce Wayne: Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight was the pinnacle of the awkward romance between Gotham’s District Attorney and billionaire philanthropist Bruce Wayne. We weren’t huge fans of Katie Holmes in the role for 2005′s Batman Begins, but the casting of Maggie Gyllenhaal for Nolan’s sequel was downright weird. We’re huge fans of the actress, but the duo spent most of the movie looking like unwilling partners in a game of dodgeball.

Benjamin Braddock and Mrs. Robinson (and Elaine Robinson): It doesn’t really get more awkward than sleeping with your girlfriend’s mom. Benjamin Braddock starts his post-graduate career by embarking on a sexual relationship with the wife of his father’s law partner, Mrs. Robinson. What should be a fun way to waste his youth while figuring out the next steps in his confused life ends up becoming an affair with a depressed woman he has nothing in common with. Benjamin takes an interest in Mrs. Robinson’s daughter, Elaine, but mom’s competitive streak and creepy lies about their summer-long fling ruins his shot with her. With Elaine banished to a life of housewifery by her family, Benjamin manages to break up Elaine’s wedding in progress, and the film ends with the most awkward and uncertain moment of all.

Travis Bickle and Betsy: The pairing of unhinged cabbie Travis Bickle (Robert De Niro) and Presidential campaign volunteer Betsy (Cybill Shepherd) in Martin Scorsese’s Taxi Driver is totally awkward — mostly because the relationship is inside Travis’ head. Betsy does agree to go on two dates with the stalkery driver, but Travis still hasn’t adjusted to life after Vietnam. He winds up taking Betsy to a porn theater, which pisses her off. Travis resents her disgust, but his rage isn’t wasted and helps inspire one of the coolest mohawks in cinema.

Jack Dawson and Rose DeWitt Bukater: Whoever says they don’t find Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Rose (Kate Winslet) at least a little awkward and annoying in James Cameron’s epic, Titanic, is totally lying. We admit that things would have been a lot more uncomfortable with the twitchy, brooding Jeremy Sisto in the part of Jack. DiCaprio’s casting, however, makes Winslet look like she’s making out with her little brother for 194 minutes. Source:

More Film Awkward Couples:

Ben Affleck and Joey Lauren Adams in "Chasing Amy" (1997) directed by Kevin Smith

Going well beyond other Gen X movies such as Swingers and Reality Bites, Chasing Amy embraces the new generation with an unparalleled frankness. Although this boy-meets-lesbian love story is more mature than Smith's earlier work, its never before seen subject matter is indicative of Smith's predilection for ignoring the taboos of film. Source:

Marley Shelton and Jake Gyllenhaal as Chloe and Jimmy Livingston in "Bubble Boy" (2001) directed by Blair Hayes

Ellen Page and Michael Cera as Juno and Bleeker in "Juno" (2007) directed by Jason Reitman

"Boxer-turned-homicide detective Lee Blanchard (Aaron Eckhart) single handedly brings order to the violence in a suitcase alley, and solicits the prizefighting support of fellow officer Dwight "Bucky" Bleichert (Josh Hartnett). The movie gets off to a creeping start as Lee and Bucky are elected by their police precinct to fight a politically motivated exhibition boxing match. The duo’s boxing nicknames "Fire" (Lee) and "Ice" (Bucky) disguise the ensuing alliance that the two men will share as detective partners and as friends caught in an oddball love triangle at the hand of Lee’s platonic girlfriend Kay Lake (Scarlett Johansson)." Source:

Josh Hartnett ("Bad Valentine/I Want Your Love") video - Songs: "Bad Valentine" & "I Want Your Love" by Transvision Vamp, "Take 'em or Leave 'em" by Amy Levere, "Not Dark Yet" by Bob Dylan, "Walk & Talk It" by Lou Reed, "Won't Let You Down" by Wilco, "I Found a Reason" & "That's the Story of My Life" by The Velvet Underground, "That's How Strong My Love Is" by Otis Redding, "The Greatest Love" by Lee Dorsey, "Goodnight Sweetheart" by The Platters, "My Sugar Baby" by Connie Clark, "Crazy 'bout My Baby" by Randy Newman, "Goodnight Baby" by The Searchers, "If You Love Me Let Me Know" by Elvis Presley, "Range Life" by Pavement, and "Heartbreak Hotel" by The Cramps.

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